How Do You Calm A Baby Who Keeps Crying?

To calm your baby if he continues to cry, it is necessary that you remain calm yourself. If you don’t, you can transfer your stress and negativity to your child.
How do you calm a baby who keeps crying?

Children cry often and for various reasons, but as a parent you usually don’t know exactly why. However, it is important to know what the causes are, how you can help your child, and what the consequences can be. Read on for tips on how to calm a baby who keeps crying.

A baby can only express itself by crying. This makes it difficult for the parents to determine exactly what is wrong with him. To help you determine the cause more easily from now on, we give you an overview of the possible reasons why your baby continues to cry, and what you can do best in those cases.

If a newborn baby cries a lot, it can be so annoying that you as a parent become tense. However, if you want to calm your child, you will also have to remain calm yourself. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse for you and your baby.

Why do you need to know how to calm your baby?

A person’s health is influenced by his or her emotions. Babies can only show their discomfort by crying. If you don’t meet your child’s needs as a parent, he can develop various mental and emotional problems, both in the short and long term.

On the other hand, if you know how to calm your child again, you will eventually develop a better relationship with him. After all, if you are better able to take care of him, then there will also be a  better bond of trust between you.

In addition, it is important to avoid stressful situations that can cause your baby to cry as much as possible.

There is nothing that makes us happier than a child’s smile. If you learn how to calm your crying baby, you will see that he is a lot happy. Play, talk and eat together with your child, and do more daily things together. This creates an unbreakable bond between you and your child.

Why does my baby keep crying?

Why does a baby cry

Allergies to certain materials

In prehistoric times, people usually did not wear clothes or accessories. It is clear that a lot has changed in the meantime. It is possible that your child is allergic or sensitive to certain materials such as:

  • synthetics
  • glitter
  • certain metals

If you notice that your child is crying and also shows symptoms of allergies, contact a doctor.

Strange people

Babies can develop deep emotional bonds with people, often very quickly.

Your child may not like to be held by people he does not know. He will usually make that clear by crying. If that happens, it’s best to hold your baby for a while so that he knows that the other person is up to no good.

Hunger and thirst

People need to eat and drink to survive. Because babies are not yet able to do this on their own, they will cry when they are hungry or thirsty. Only when you know exactly what he wants and feed him, he will calm down again.

To sleep

There are several reasons why your baby cannot fall asleep properly and starts crying:

  • Sound and light can disturb your child’s sleep.
  • Is your baby tired and wants to go to sleep, but is not in a comfortable place? Then he will cry until you put him back in his crib.

However, if your baby continues to cry, hold him in your arms until he has calmed down again.

Pain or stomach cramps

Babies often suffer from:

  • colic
  • infections
  • other illnesses

It is very distressing when your baby cries because he is in pain. It is therefore good to have your baby checked regularly by a doctor.

If your baby is crying because something else is bothering him, keep a close eye on him. Then decide whether you can solve the problem at home, or if you should see a doctor.

What’s the best way to calm your baby?

Everyone calms down with a little affection. The best way to calm a baby that keeps crying is with loving and gentle touches.

  • For example, gently pat his back when he suffers from colic.
  • Even  hugging and tickling can help to get your child smile again.

Even though you may not have the prettiest voice, every baby likes to be sung to them. As soon as you notice that your baby is crying, sing one of his favorite songs until he falls asleep, or until he feels like playing again. That way he will feel safe and loved.

What are the consequences if you let your baby cry for too long?

comfort your baby

If a crying baby is not properly cared for, it can have short-term and long-term consequences.

One of these consequences is, for example, that the child will have difficulty expressing his feelings:  after all, there has never been a response to his crying. In addition, it can affect his personal and professional relationships as he cannot express himself openly to others.

Parents can be stressed if their baby keeps crying. Due to the tension they feel, it is possible that they will react impulsively towards their child. For example, they become violent or start yelling at their baby.

Not only will the parents feel extremely guilty afterwards, but it is quite possible that the child will suffer psychological or physical trauma as a result. It goes without saying that you should avoid these kinds of situations at all costs!


When you become a father or mother for the first time, it will probably seem like an impossible task to calm your child. However, you will see that with some practice you will get better at it. With a little patience and love, you’ll soon know how to stop those tears and conjure up a smile.

The above tips are helpful for anyone going through parenthood for the first time. Tell all your friends how important it is to understand your baby and know what makes him happy. That way you create more happy moments with your baby, without tears.

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