How Can You Remove Tartar Naturally?

Millions of people suffer from tartar. That’s right, you’re certainly not alone in suffering from the buildup of minerals from old food scraps on your teeth. 
How can you remove tartar naturally?

Tartar first appears as a yellowish plaque, close to the gums. Then it grows in the direction of the rest of the teeth. Removing your  tartar as part of your daily tooth brushing routine then becomes a difficult task.

In this article we will tell you how to get rid of that pesky tartar naturally. We will leave you with a radiant white smile!

Remove your tartar

When we eat large amounts of sugary, fatty or highly refined foods, we increase our chances of tartar build-up. In addition, having poor oral hygiene and certain habits such as smoking and drinking coffee or alcohol will certainly make the problem worse.

It’s not just an aesthetic issue, it also has health implications. Large amounts of tartar will cause inflammation of the gums. This can lead to gingivitis (inflamed gums) and eventually even tooth loss.

But the good news is that there are simple, natural ways that can remove tartar. The most effective methods are:

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Remove your tartar with baking soda

One of the options for removing tartar should be an important part of good oral hygiene. We are talking about using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide here.

The former ingredient helps to whiten teeth naturally. The second helps to remove harmful bacteria. When you mix these ingredients together, they have the perfect properties that can remove tartar and help prevent the yellowing of your teeth.


  • 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide (5 ml)
  • 1 small tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)


  • First put the baking soda in a suitable container and add the hydrogen peroxide.
  • Mix the ingredients well until you get a paste.
  • Put a small amount of the paste on your toothbrush and then use it as your normal toothpaste.
  • Use your toothbrush in circular motions targeting the upper parts of your teeth, close to the gums.
  • Repeat this process at least twice a week.


Remove tartar with apples

Removing tartar that forms on your teeth can be as easy as eating an apple every day! If possible, try to make sure it’s a red apple, as green apples can be too sour. And of course preferably unpeeled.

So, for example, choose a delicious, healthy apple as a dessert option after every hot meal!

Other options include strawberries and cantaloupe. Both fruits can help remove tartar buildup. In addition, these fruits also help to clean your gums and to prevent bleeding of the gums.

Lemon juice

Before learning how to make this homemade remedy, it’s important to know that using this method too often can be counterproductive. This is because the acids in lemon juice can stain your teeth if the lemon juice is not diluted.


  • 2 small tablespoons lemon juice (20 ml)
  • 2 small tablespoons of warm water (20 ml)


  • In a glass or mug, combine the lemon juice and warm water and stir well.
  • Then rinse your mouth with this liquid for 1 minute.
  • Do not drink the mixture and make sure you do not keep the mixture in your mouth for longer than the prescribed time.
  • When you’re done, rinse your mouth well with clean water.
  • This treatment may sting slightly if you have sores or blisters in your mouth.

orange peels

Remove tartar with orange peels

The vitamin C that is abundant in citrus fruits is not only found in the meat and juice. It is also very concentrated in the peel. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of the natural properties of the peels as much as possible.

Peel an orange and , after eating the fruit, rub the inside of the peel over your teeth, focusing on the part of your teeth closest to the gums. Then remember to rinse your mouth well with warm water to make sure the acids don’t cause harmful erosion.

Sesame seed

If you want teeth that are free of tartar, make sure you eat foods that act as a natural exfoliant. One of these foods is sesame seeds. If you want to remove tartar, just chew a handful of sesame seeds. Keep this up for a while and then discard the sesame seeds.

Then brush your teeth in the usual way. It couldn’t be easier to get a ‘polishing’ effect thanks to sesame seeds!

Tips to reduce tartar build-up

Once you’ve managed to remove most of your tartar, you’ll be sure to keep this problem from reappearing.

So how can you prevent gum buildup? Then take the following simple advice to heart.

Avoid certain foods

Sugar is number one of the common enemies when it comes to all types of oral hygiene. Eating sugar not only increases the risk of developing cavities, but also leads to a greater build-up of tartar.

However, it is not the only culprit out there. Flour can be equally destructive. The starches it contains mix with saliva. This creates a powerful acid that stains the enamel of your teeth. It then begins to erode the teeth, making them more vulnerable to attack by harmful bacteria.

Therefore, you should avoid baked goods and other foods with refined flours and sugars as much as possible .

Consume calcium-rich foods and drinks

Remove your tartar by consuming calcium-rich foods and drinks

Dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, almonds and spinach are the main sources of calcium, an important nutrient for your teeth. Daily consumption of these products will improve your teeth. Plus, it will make your teeth better able to fight against plaque buildup.

Eat raw food

In addition to apples and strawberries, there are also a number of vegetables that can help promote dental health, including carrots and celery. Eating raw food  helps stimulate saliva production and protects teeth from harmful bacteria.

Brush your teeth gently

Remove tartar by brushing your teeth gently

Poor oral hygiene plays a major role in the development of tartar build-up. You should brush at least twice a day. Once after you get up and once before going to bed.

It’s equally important to use dental floss to remove the food particles that your toothbrush can’t reach. The use of mouthwash can also be of great help here.

Drink lots of water

Liquids can help remove the food particles left between your teeth and gums. It is recommended that you drink a glass of water after every meal to help with this. So this is a good option if you’re at work and don’t have a toothbrush with you.

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