Healthy Ways To Eat Oatmeal

Oatmeal is really healthy for your body and there are countless ways to eat it. Learn more in this article!
Healthy ways to eat oatmeal

Have you ever heard of the many ways you can eat oatmeal? Oatmeal is a very popular grain, both for its excellent nutritional value and for its preparation options.

Oatmeal can help regulate digestive problems and contribute to the energy we need throughout the day, among many other great benefits. So it is a very healthy product. In this article you will discover all the properties of oatmeal, as well as the different ways to eat it.

Benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin B complex and minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron). Thanks to its nutritional value, oatmeal has many great health benefits. Oatmeal:

  • improves digestion and prevents acid indigestion and stomach ulcers.
  • aids bowel movements and, thanks to its fiber content, fights constipation without irritating the bowel. As a result, it is a grain that is much better than any other refined flour.
  • contains fiber that helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • is highly nutritious and energizing in a way that gives us vitality. This property helps us in times of struggle and recovery. It is very good for athletes, children and pregnant women and so on.
  • oatmeal contributes to weight loss in a healthy way, thanks to its satiating nature and low fat content. You can eat it in moderate amounts every day.
  • contributes to facilitating liver function through its amino acid content, which in turn facilitates the elimination of toxins from your body. This is essential to prevent diseases.
  • regulates your nervous system and fights diseases such as anxiety, nervousness, depression, insomnia and hyperactivity, and so on.

In what ways can you eat oatmeal?

You can eat oatmeal in many different ways. Find out which ways those are and start enjoying these cereals in all kinds of recipes.


bowl of oatmeal

First, you can eat the oatmeal plain as a breakfast cereal or in snacks or cooked. If you choose to eat them plain, you can toast them and combine them with dried fruit, like in this delicious and healthy granola. Oatmeal is very complete and provides a large amount of vegetable proteins, vitamins, minerals as well as essential fatty acids and fiber.

In some countries, oatmeal is eaten with some milk. However, if you eat them raw, some people experience swelling and acid reflux. In this case, they must be chewed very well.


Oatmeal, obtained by grinding this grain, is a perfect ingredient in our recipes. It is a much more nutritious choice than wheat flour and offers great flavor in recipes.

People with celiac disease and those who cannot tolerate gluten can use oat flour for cooking. (As long as it’s harvested and processed gluten-free, of course!) You can bake anything with oat flour, such as:

  • cookies
  • cakes
  • muffins
  • bread
  • waffles
  • etcetera

Smoothies and creams

Smoothies with oatmeal

If you want to add extra creaminess and consistency to fruit smoothies, all you need to do is add a little oatmeal to the blender. We recommend cooking the oatmeal in advance or soaking it for a few hours first.

This creaminess occurs because of a specific kind of soluble fiber that, when combined with the water, becomes gelatinous. This is very beneficial for your gut and for good health in general.

Milk and cream

If you are looking for an alternative to cow’s milk because of lactose, you can opt for an oat drink. Nowadays it is also very easy to find it in supermarkets and besides that you can easily prepare it at home.

You can also make oatmeal cream. This is a thick and concentrated oat drink, which we can use, among other things, to replace cream used in sauces, desserts and the like.

oatmeal water

Ways to eat oatmeal

Oatmeal water is a popular and simple remedy to lose weight easily. It can be a very effective supplement to lose weight, reduce ailments or cleanse the body.

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