Get Your Daily Dose Of Potassium From These 10 Fruits

Bananas are the best-known foods that contain potassium. However, there are many other fruits that can help you increase the level of this mineral in your body. Read more about it in this article!
Get your daily dose of potassium from these 10 fruits

Potassium is a mineral that balances the electrolytes in your body.

That is a fundamental aspect of potassium, as it supports the following processes.

  • Correct functioning of nerve cells and muscle cells,
  • the digestion,
  • the metabolism,
  • Balance the electrical and chemical processes in the body.

The body absorbs potassium from food. After that, it is the kidneys that are responsible for removing any excess.

You get potassium from:

  • Red meat and chicken
  • Salmon, cod, flatfish and sardines
  • Soy products
  • vegetarian burgers
  • Different kinds of fruits

In this article, we will talk about the fruits that are high in potassium. It is a tasty way to absorb the necessary amount of potassium and also easy to add to your diet.

1. Apricots


Did you know that dried apricots contain more potassium than fresh ones? Every hundred grams of dried apricots gives you nearly 33 percent of the amount of potassium you need on a daily basis.

Apricots are also very beneficial for the blood circulation for the following reasons:

  • They keep blood pressure and fluid balance under control
  • They also help prevent rheumatic diseases and arthritis

2. Prunes

Plums aren’t just rich in potassium; they also provide you with fiber and sugar. Just 100 grams is enough to provide you with the recommended daily amount of potassium.

In fact, the nutritional value of dried fruits is due to the drying process, as this increases the presence of simple carbohydrates.

  • In addition, plums are also high in vitamins A, B3 and C.
  • These fruits also ensure that your energy level rises very quickly. This is due to the high sugar content.
  • Additional positive effects are that they fight constipation thanks to the fiber present and that they reduce high cholesterol.

3. Raisins


With one hundred grams of raisins a day you already have 21 percent of the recommended daily amount of potassium. However, remember that they contain a lot of sugar. That is why you have to ensure a good balance in the dose you eat.

Raisins are also good for:

  • Relieve Constipation
  • Reduce Acidosis
  • Treating Symptoms of Anemia
  • to bring down a fever
  • Control arterial wall tension
  • Lower high blood pressure

4. Dates

You only need 100 grams of dates to already absorb 21 percent of the daily recommended amount of potassium.

But there is a difference with raisins and prunes. It is recommended not to eat too many dates. The reason is that they are very high in sugar, which can alter your blood sugar levels.

Athletes who train for high resistance eat dates because they contain a lot of antioxidants and minerals. Some of them are:

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

Dates are also rich in vitamin B5.

This vitamin is necessary for hormone production. It helps, among other things, to convert fats and carbohydrates into energy.

If you start eating dates, you should definitely get enough exercise every day. That way you only enjoy the beneficial effects and the large amount of sugar that dates give you is less of a problem.

And one more piece of advice: don’t eat more than two or three dates.

5. Figs


In 100 grams of dried figs you will find 19 percent of the daily recommended amount of potassium.

But did you know that figs are not real fruits? Actually, they are given the name asyconium In other words, they are actually flowers turned inside out.

The fleshy mass is the stem that protects the inside. Here you will find the seeds that will be pollinated later.

6. Avocados

Avocado is another fruit that contains a lot of potassium. They are also known for their healthy fats and the many positive effects they have on beauty.

Every hundred grams of avocado gives you about fourteen percent of the daily recommended amount of potassium.

7. Soursop or guanĂ¡bana

This is one of the most versatile fruits on this list. Not only does it provide you with 12 percent of the daily recommended amount of potassium. It also gives you a large amount of :

  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Antioxidants
  • minerals.

That is why it is the ideal fruit to:

  • Increase the resistance.
  • Improve your cardiovascular health.
  • Keeping diabetes under control.
  • Since it contains quercetin, vitamin C and lycopene, it helps to prevent cancer.
  • Thanks to the amount of vitamins B3 and B6, it stimulates your cognitive functions.

One of the unknown beneficial properties of guanĂ¡bana or soursop is its effect on your oral health. That’s because it has an antibacterial effect. For example, it reduces the amount of plaque. In addition, it treats inflammation and infections of the gums.

8. Bananas

It is well known that bananas are also high in potassium. They contain ten percent of the daily recommended amount.

  • Bananas keep your cell fluid in balance.
  • They also ensure that the nervous system and the systems of the intestines and muscles work correctly.

9. Passion Fruit

100 grams of passion fruit contains ten percent of the recommended daily amount of potassium. In addition, it provides you with a number of important nutrients that your body needs. We’re talking about here:

  • Vitamin A, B2, C
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Fiber

It is also recommended to relieve menstrual pain as it stops spasms.

10. Kiwi

Finally, we want to discuss how amazing kiwis are. Not only do they contain potassium, but also a lot of fiber and vitamin C.

This fruit will strengthen your immune system and help prevent digestive problems.

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