Garlic Oil As A Remedy For Your Body

Even if you are healthy, you can take advantage of garlic’s health benefits by adding it to your meals. So have no fear and add this amazing ingredient to your diet.
Garlic oil as a remedy for your body

Garlic oil has so many good properties that it would be good for everyone to add this oil to their diet. In addition, this oil can help us prevent and treat certain conditions. In this article you can read everything about garlic oil as a remedy for your body.

This super product helps you to cleanse your body and strengthen your immune system. If that wasn’t enough, garlic oil also helps improve circulation and protects you from the damage free radicals can do. Garlic oil should therefore definitely have a place in your diet!

The fantastic properties of garlic

the fantastic properties of garlic

First of all, we can tell you that garlic is a super product. It offers many benefits for your health. It has been used since ancient times to treat people with many ailments.

These health benefits come mainly from the two sulfides garlic contains: allicin and diallyl. However, garlic also contains a lot of:

  • amino acids
  • vitamin B
  • vitamin C
  • magnesium
  • buyer
  • calcium
  • selenium
  • phosphorus
  • iron
  • potassium

Garlic is:

  • a powerful, natural antibiotic that fights viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
  • an antioxidant.
  • a product that may have anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • potentially a powerful aid in reducing fluid retention and improving kidney function.
  • in certain cases is able to balance your nervous system.
  • able to prevent cardiovascular disease by improving circulation and reducing cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  • a medicine that can lower your blood sugar level.
  • able to protect your liver and gallbladder.
  • a product that stimulates the cleansing of toxins.
  • able to improve the appearance of your skin by reducing acne, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
  • a natural aphrodisiac.
  • an aid in improving your digestion.

How To Add Garlic To Your Diet

If you want to take advantage of all the good properties of garlic, it is best to eat one raw garlic clove a day. 

The effects of garlic on an empty stomach are very powerful, but you can also eat garlic as part of your meal. If you cook garlic, it will retain many of its good qualities. However, these good qualities will diminish somewhat.

The Tibetan culture also shows how they use garlic as a healing agent. Tibetan monks found a recipe for alcohol-marinated garlic and give instructions on how to take this remedy slowly. In this way, your body slowly absorbs all the good substances in garlic.

Today it is also possible to buy garlic oil in capsules. These are recommended for people who cannot tolerate the smell of garlic or who cannot digest garlic well.

We now give you the Tibetan recipe for garlic marinated in olive oil. In this way we combine two very healthy nutrients. This garlic oil thus becomes an excellent remedy for your body.

Garlic oil as a remedy for your body

garlic oil as a remedy for your body

If possible, it is best to use organic garlic. If you use this crop for medical purposes, it is important that it does not contain pesticides and other chemicals. Otherwise, it could potentially affect the effectiveness of this remedy. 


  • 4 cups extra virgin olive oil
  • 30 cloves of garlic


  • First, peel all the garlic cloves. Then put them in a glass jar.
  • Second, add all the extra virgin olive oil to this jar. Make sure all the garlic is submerged.
  • Then close the glass jar and store it in a dark, cool and dry place for thirty days. Do not store the oil in the refrigerator. 
  • It is important to shake the jar well every two or three days.
  • Finally, when the 30 days are up, drain the oil into another jar. Make sure all garlic cloves are removed from the oil. If you want, you can still eat the garlic cloves. 


You can use this remedy in several ways. The way that works best for you depends on your goal for this remedy.

  • If you are using the oil as a precaution, it is good to eat one tablespoon of garlic oil per day. You can eat the oil straight from the spoon or use it in your meals. Always make sure to use it immediately when you take it out of the jar. In this way the oil retains all its positive properties.
  • You can also use this remedy as a seasoning for various dishes. Think, for example, of salads, pastas, soups, sauces and much more. If you want a softer taste, you can also choose to add a little less garlic oil and a different oil.

So be sure to try this garlic oil as a remedy for your body!

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