Four Important Forms Of Exercise For Seniors

Tai chi and yoga are great forms of exercise for seniors because they help with balance and flexibility.
Four important forms of exercise for seniors

Getting older doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising, even if you have certain problems. You should know some key senior exercise forms that are low impact and very healthy.

Exercise also enables seniors to age in a much healthier way. Making daily exercise a part of your routine can make a big difference. Below are some forms of exercise that are good for seniors.

Important forms of exercise for seniors

There are some great, specialized forms of movement that reduce the risk of injury. As mentioned earlier, a certain age can cause problems. These problems can increase your chances of injuring yourself.

1. Cardio fitness

Seniors doing water aerobics

Aerobic exercises are often low impact and some are even made for seniors. Some seniors can withstand this high-intensity training while other seniors can’t keep up.

When it comes to aerobic exercise, you might think of aerobics. However, there are many more varieties that are fun and that you will definitely want to try. Check out a few below:

  • Cycling (on the exercise bike or outside)
  • Walking or jogging (on a treadmill or outdoors)
  • Aerobics class (for seniors)
  • Water aerobics

Many of these workouts can be done in a group setting, making them even more enjoyable and useful. Seniors can be lonely for a variety of reasons. Their children may have moved out. They may be single or living far away from family. That is why making friends and exercising can increase their happiness.

2. Yoga or tai chi

Seniors do Tai chi in nature

Yoga and tai chi are great forms of exercise for seniors and do not require much effort. Below are the positive aspects of both sports.

Yoga is a combination of exercise and meditation that helps seniors increase their flexibility. It also helps to strengthen and tighten their bodies and it is really healthy. Among other things, it prevents the risk of being injured by falling.

Tai chi, on the other hand, is a martial art that also includes meditation. These types of movements are very important because it increases strength, flexibility and balance.

In addition, the meditation in both sports helps seniors focus on the present. It also increases awareness and happiness. These are really great forms of exercise for the mental state of the elderly.

3. Swimming

In addition to water aerobics, there is another low-impact activity that is more well-known – swimming. It is an appropriate, comprehensive and useful training for seniors.

Swimming is a sport that uses all the muscles in the body. It synchronizes the body while strengthening and tightening it. In addition, the risk of injury is very small. That means it is highly recommended for people who have suffered an injury. This also applies to people who tend to get them quickly.

Swimming is relaxing and perfect for seniors experiencing depression. Contact with water in combination with exercise promotes better physical and mental well-being.

4. Dance!

Smiling seniors dancing

Dancing is a very important activity for seniors. Even if many don’t consider it a sport, classes for Zumba, traditional dance, or other styles fall under the same category.

Through dancing, seniors can move their bodies, tighten them and improve their balance. It’s a fun exercise that can also be done while being with other friends.

This article was only about some important and indispensable forms of exercise for seniors. Physical exercise enables people to grow old healthily, both physically and mentally. At the same time , it should always be part of everyone’s routine. 

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