Foods That Promote The Production Of Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10, also called CoQ10 or ubiquinone-10, is an antioxidant that helps fight the signs of aging. Learn more about this important enzyme and how to make sure you get enough of it.
Foods that promote the production of coenzyme Q10

You may have heard people talk about the so-called youth enzyme, coenzyme Q10. This enzyme, also called CoQ10 or ubiquinone-10, is an antioxidant. It is naturally found in every cell of your entire body.

  • Its job is as fundamental as it is helpful: it protects you from free radicals. It also acts against any external factor that can cause oxidative damage.
  • It also makes it easier for cells to get energy. This increases the resistance, strength and firmness of many of your muscles.
  • A higher concentration of coenzyme Q10 in your body means you are better able to counteract the effects of aging.

It is a fact that all anti-wrinkle creams contain this enzyme. Every manufacturer adds this fantastic multifunctional enzyme.

There’s something even better for your body than putting it on your skin. We want the body to produce coenzyme Q10 itself. Today we are going to introduce you to 7 foods that will help you do this.

Are you ready to take notes?

Foods that promote the production of coenzyme Q10

1. Salmon

Salmon steak for the skin

Fish, which is rich in saturated fats such as omega 3 and omega 6, is indispensable for both restoring and increasing your levels of coenzyme Q10. Salmon is definitely the most recommended fish.

In Japan, for example, people generally enjoy a good amount of this antioxidant. This is because the Japanese have a lot of raw and fresh fish in their diet. Of course, eating raw fish is not always wise.

You just need to remember to eat fresh salmon, mackerel, or sardines three to four times a week.

2. Chicken

Meat is generally very rich in coenzyme Q10.

Red meat is not very healthy because it has a high fat content. This fat is toxic and raises your cholesterol and triglycerides. So you better eat chicken. Chicken thighs are a very good source of this enzyme.

Combine this meat with other healthy foods for a healthy and balanced diet. It’s a good idea to eat carrot sauce with it, for example, but avoid frying the chicken with too much oil.

3. Peanuts


Not all foods rich in coenzyme Q10 are of animal origin. Peanuts, for example, are a good plant source of the enzyme. Roasted peanuts contain 0.8 mg of coenzyme Q10.

In addition , like grapes, peanuts are rich in resveratrol. This is a very healthy antioxidant that prevents aging.

Therefore, if we eat the right amount of it, it has various effects. It can regulate blood flow and improve the firmness of our muscles. This ensures that we can combat the effects of the passage of time.

4. Broccoli

Coenzyme Q10 is also present in broccoli and broccoli sprouts.

By eating this vegetable regularly, we can prevent various ailments. This includes heart disease and blood clots. This is due to the high content of antioxidants, such as coenzyme Q10.

It is very important to remember that coenzyme Q10 is only found in fresh products. If it’s been frozen or comes out of a can, it’s gone.

5. Orange and strawberry juice

In general, fruit does not often contain coenzyme Q10. The only two varieties that can help us in this area are oranges and strawberries. Therefore, it is a good idea to drink these two types as fresh juice as often as possible.

Do not add sugar.  Sweetening with any sweetener reduces the nutritional effects. That goes for sugar, honey and even stevia.

6. Spinach


Spinach contains the most coenzyme Q10 of all. It is an excellent vegetable that you should eat often. In this case it is best to eat it raw.

Spinach is rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. It also contains phytonutrients such as beta-carotene and lutin. These elements are responsible for protecting our body from cell damage.

If you want to ensure the firmness of your skin, fight deep wrinkles or restore the glow and smoothness of your face, don’t hesitate. Eat spinach!

7. Tofu


Tofu is a 100 percent vegetable protein source. It is made from soybeans.

Add this to soups and salads. It is a good food to eat because it contains large amounts of coenzyme Q10. As well as calcium, it protects your bones. In addition, it can protect your muscles and your body in general.

Tofu contains just as much protein as meat and it is full of vitamin B complex. This provides much of the amount your cells need. It also helps your cells fight the effects of time.

As we age, we lose small amounts of coenzyme Q10, little by little. It is necessary to supplement these losses with the foods you have just read about. They will help you!

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