Fix Split Ends Without Cutting

Do you love your long hair but don’t feel like going to the hairdresser again and again? Then we are here to tell you that it is quite possible to get rid of your split ends without having to tip them.
Repair split ends without cutting

Do you love your long hair but don’t really want to go to the hairdresser? In that case, your split ends have probably been taking away the glorious look of your hair for a while. It is impossible to prevent split ends, but it is possible to repair split ends without cutting them.

As the hair grows, the hair becomes weaker and therefore brittle. Split ends are a big fear for women who want to have beautiful and long hair. When your hair has reached its longest length and thus you feel beautiful and confident, your split ends are sure to throw a spanner in the works.

Don’t worry though. You don’t always need a hairdresser. You just need to know how to fix your split ends without cutting them.

What are split ends?

what are dead ends

Split ends are secretions or breaks in the ends of your hair. If you are experiencing split ends, it means your hair is dry and you probably haven’t treated it properly.

These split ends are the reason the hairdresser tells you that he will only cut a little bit of your hair, but always take a lot more than you wanted.

Don’t blame him though. He just wants your hair to look beautiful and healthy. That’s why he cuts split ends from the starting point.

Here are some causes of split ends: 

  • drought
  • little hydration
  • temperature differences
  • chemicals
  • salt water
  • chlorine
  • shampoo residue
  • combing or brushing too hard

Your hair will also become weaker if you use curling irons, flat irons and hairdryers, for example. The pool and beach can also damage your hair.

However, we know that it is very difficult to give up all this to keep your hair healthy. But don’t worry, because this isn’t necessary either.

However, it’s a good idea to avoid all of these products and locations as much as possible so that your hair doesn’t take too much of a hit. However, you could continue with your beauty routine and add some recovery sessions to your routine as well. 

Repair split ends without cutting

It is quite possible to repair split ends without having to use the scissors. First, you can already pay close attention to the ways you handle your hair. For example, you can stop the bad habits that damage your hair. 

Then you can start working on restoring the beauty of your hair. In the rest of this article, we’ll tell you how to do this.

1. Moisturize your hair every 15 days

The main cause of split ends is dryness. So make sure you don’t let your hair dry out.

You can do this by, for example, applying some natural hair masks to your hair. This is how you keep your hair:

  • hydrated
  • healthy
  • strong

2. Drink more water

Water is essential for the body, but so is your hair. If you’re dehydrated or don’t drink enough water, you’ll start to see this in your hair as well. This is because your body does not get the right amount of water.

Water improves the quality of your skin, hair and the general functions of your body. 

3. Do not use tight hair bands or pins

If you tie your hair too tightly, it will eventually break. Avoid hair ties with metal bits and hair clips that put too much pressure on your hair. It’s a good idea to avoid almost any product that damages your hair. 

If your hair gets damaged, you will start to see split ends almost immediately. So make sure you don’t tie your hair too tight. Doing so will make it difficult to remove hair elastics. For example, it sometimes happens that you break your hair when you remove the elastics from your hair. 

4. Apply some essential oils every night

apply some essential oils

Add essential oils to your evening routine. That way you can restore your hair. Just like you should brush your teeth at night, you should take some time for your hair before going to sleep.

  • Get your hair out of the tangle and comb it gently.
  • Then apply an essential oil to the ends of the hair. You can do this with almond, olive or coconut oil. Apply this oil only on the ends of the hair so that the hair does not become too greasy. 

5. Cut it every three months

This tip may sound a bit nonsensical in an article on how to mend split ends without having to cut. However, it is important to cut your hair every now and then and make it a habit.

Hair grows about 3 inches per month. So you only need to remove a few millimeters to keep your hair free of split ends. 

  • It’s a good idea to apply a hair mask to the ends of your hair right after a haircut. Then you start with the other recovery techniques and continue to take good care of your hair.
  • It is a good idea to treat healthy hair properly to prevent split ends.

Try to follow these tips and you will see that your split ends will disappear one by one!

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