Five Surprising Causes Of Inflammation

Whether it’s acute or chronic inflammation, to prevent inflammation and make sure it doesn’t progress to a more serious problem, it’s important to understand what’s causing it.
Five surprising causes of inflammation

Does a mosquito or other insect bite usually cause you swelling, redness or itching? Nothing wrong. This is a natural response to irritating influences or injuries. In this case , it is the way the body reacts to infections, which can sometimes be causes of inflammation.

However, there are also forms of inflammation that last a little longer. Inflammations can sometimes persist for weeks to months. This type of inflammation is also called chronic inflammation. In this article we share the symptoms of chronic inflammation.

If an inflammation does not go away on its own, the danger is greater. Diseases that can cause chronic inflammation include:

  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • arthritis
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Let’s take a look at some of the common causes of inflammation and the ways you can treat inflammation.

Five surprising causes of inflammation

1. You are overweight

When you actually carry a few pounds too much with you, it can trigger an inflammatory response in the fat cells in your body.

As we age, adipose tissue can affect certain cells in the body. This happens when an inflammation develops.

Obesity can cause fat cells to become inflamed in young people. In this case , the immune system will start to defend itself, but because there is no active target, the immune system simply attacks the body itself.

2. Your boss is way too strict and your life is all chaos

Overworked woman leans on desk

One of the most common causes of inflammation is stress, be  it acute stress or chronic stress.

  • Acute stress occurs when you experience severe worries or fears related to a situation or problem in your current life. It disappears when the situation or problem is resolved.
  • Chronic stress occurs when, for example, you are stuck in an unhappy marriage or have too much to endure at work.

Both forms of stress can cause inflammation. Cortisol plays an important role in the way your body deals with inflammation. The problem is that chronic stress can affect the effect of this hormone.

According to a study conducted by Rockefeller University , this can leave the body unable to control inflammation.

This research also states that chronic stress can cause the body to produce more white blood cells,  increasing the risk of diseases related to inflammation.

3. You suffer from certain gut bacteria

Not all types of bacteria are harmful. Some bacteria can heal inflammation, while others are the cause of inflammation.

However, 70% of your immune system cells are in your gut. This means that gut bacteria can affect your immune system in several ways, causing inflammation as well.

The scientists who are researching this topic don’t quite understand the nature of this interaction. That is why they are currently also investigating how certain changes in your environment and eating habits may influence the situation.

However, research shows that certain  microbes present in the gut may be linked to the development of rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease.

Inflammations caused by microbes in the gut can also facilitate or worsen the development of other diseases, such as HIV, for example.

4. You drink too much

Glasses and bottles of alcohol

Physiologically speaking, alcohol is simply broken down by the body. However, this reaction creates toxic byproducts that can cause inflammation.

You already know that the liver is the main organ responsible for breaking down and processing alcohol. This means that your liver is the first to suffer from inflammation when you drink too much alcohol. By avoiding alcoholic beverages, you give your liver a chance to purify itself.

Drinking too much alcohol can also cause your liver to store too much fat, which can lead to cirrhosis or hepatitis.

5. Taking the Pill

Strips with the contraceptive pill

In the childbearing years of their lives, most women choose to use contraception. One of the contraceptive methods they can choose in this case is the pill.  This prevents unwanted pregnancy, but the use of the pill can also cause inflammation.

Women who take the Pill are generally more likely to develop inflammation than women who do not. In 2014, PloS One magazine published a study on this topic. This research  shows that women who do not take the pill have a minimal risk of inflammation.

Of course, this does not mean that these women should not watch their health or should not use contraception at all. If you want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy at any age, consult your gynecologist to find out what your options are.

A gynecologist can tell you if there are certain risk factors or if it would be better to use another form of contraception.

Don’t ignore the importance of the causes of inflammation and its consequences

Chronic inflammation can last for weeks to months and can affect any part of the body.

It’s important to pay close attention to what’s happening in your body when you:

  • are overweight
  • smokes
  • drinks alcohol
  • taking the pill

Remember, it’s important to get plenty of exercise, watch your weight, and eat a healthy diet. 

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