Five Affirmations That Can Help You Forgive Yourself

Often you are the only person who can forgive you. Learn from your mistakes, accept them and move on.
Five Affirmations That Can Help You Forgive Yourself

We often hear how important it is to forgive. They say it is liberating to forgive people who have hurt us. However, how many times have you heard people talk about the need to forgive yourself?

Despite the fact that forgiving yourself is much more important than forgiving others, we don’t do it very often.

Have you ever thought about how many things you actually blame yourself? How many times have you held yourself responsible for your own circumstances and problems?

The harm we inflict on ourselves is often greater than the harm we inflict on others. Therefore, with this article, we want to take the opportunity to help you free yourself from this.

It won’t be easy to forgive yourself. Nor will it be something that can be done in one day. It’s a process. And the affirmations below can help you with that.

1. I free myself from the burden of doubt, guilt and shame


These three emotions are the main causes of many of the problems we face. Forgiving yourself for these emotions is essential in order to move forward. This includes forgiving yourself for the actions or statements that can cause doubt, guilt, and shame.

However, in addition to saying this affirmation, it is also important to face these emotions. This is the tricky part. Plus, it’s the part that most people shy away from.

Hold yourself back so you can take a good look at the situations that trigger these emotions. Take a moment to acknowledge your inability.

Go through this process fairly. This will allow you to learn more about yourself. Moreover, it will make you resistant to similar situations in the future.

In fact, the things that cause you doubts, guilt, and shame may not be that important at all.

2. Let go of the past to live fully in the future

Sometimes all our plans and goals are hugely hampered by the past. All those things and people that have hurt you in the past can really disappoint you. If you don’t let them go, they will keep you from going where you want to go.

Forgiving yourself also means not thinking about all the things and people you couldn’t have.

We often think that we can only forgive ourselves for the things that hurt or have hurt us. However, this is not true. Sometimes it is also the case that we are stuck by shortcomings and circumstances that depend on other people.

For example, some people cannot forgive themselves for not being the right person for someone they loved.

Unfortunately, you can’t be exactly what others need. And the fact that someone else couldn’t find everything they were looking for in you doesn’t make you any less valuable.

3. I am able to carry on despite the mistakes I have made

The world we live in teaches us to avoid mistakes and mistakes. As a result, we think about it way too much when we do go wrong. Sometimes we can analyze for months or even years what went wrong and why.

Forgiving yourself for these kinds of mistakes is important in order to move on with your life. Remember that we all make mistakes day in and day out. This is not bad. Mistakes are the true teachers in life.

Remember that if everything went completely pico bello from the beginning, you would soon have nothing left to learn. You wouldn’t be able to talk about the experiences and lessons you’ve gained from the mistakes you’ve made.

It is true that some mistakes cost us a lot. However, even from these mistakes we can learn something. So see every mistake from now on as a lesson to learn. Forgive yourself when you think of these mistakes.

Keep moving forward to the next step in your life.

4. I am grateful for the good that life gives me


If we were to ask you to make a list of the people and things that make your life better, how long would that list be? You will probably find out that this list is a lot longer than you would initially think.

Forgiving yourself means learning to see and accept that you are not alone.

Forgive yourself for the things you think are your fault. By doing this, you will be able to see that it is not so difficult to see the good at all.

This statement directs your attention to the positive things in your life. This may sound very difficult. However, it’s very possible that you’ve been looking at things from the wrong perspective for far too long.

5. Accept the things that were possible with what was within your reach

In some cases we have to make quick choices. Later, we may have a chance to review the situation in its entirety or access new information. And as a result, you will find out that you were wrong.

You may feel guilty about the things you’ve done. However, it is better to turn guilt into a sense of responsibility. This is especially true if your actions were based on little information.

By taking responsibility for yourself, you can forgive yourself. You can also do your best to improve the situation. Just by reminding yourself of the things you’ve done wrong or your guilt, you’ll never be able to change anything. 

Remember, it’s better to be proactive than to complain all the time.

The only person who can forgive you is the person you see in the mirror

It’s not crazy to know people who don’t make any progress in life because they are constantly waiting to be forgiven. Does this also apply to you? How much do you want to be forgiven?

Is it really possible to be forgiven?

The truth is that in some situations you are the only person who can forgive and set you free.

Perhaps it involves a situation where the other person is far away from you. In fact, this person may not want to forgive you at all or may have left for good. However, remember that you can never live a full life if you don’t try to move forward.

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