Find Out Why You Should Eat Soaked Almonds

Soaking almonds before eating them will improve the nutrient content. Vitamin E, for example, appears when the skin is removed.
Find out why you should eat soaked almonds

In many countries it is customary to eat a handful of soaked almonds. In India, for example. It may seem a little strange, but it provides some clear health benefits.

This tradition can help you treat common problems. Think of poor digestion or high blood pressure.

If you make it a habit to eat five soaked almonds for breakfast, this will give your body a big boost to lose weight. 

Below we will tell you why soaked almonds are so good for your health.

1. Soaked Almonds Provide More Nutrients

Almonds are very healthy nuts. In fact, they are so popular that many people today drink almond milk every day.

However, if you want to take full advantage of the goodness of almonds, you should soak them overnight first. And this is why:

  • First of all, this will help to remove the brown skin that surrounds the almonds to protect them. This sheet also acts as an inhibitor of the enzymes that occur naturally in almonds.
  • Second, the almonds will soften and be easier to chew and digest after being soaked.
  • Eating just five soaked almonds a day can help improve your memory.
  • You will also get Vitamin E, zinc, calcium, magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids.

2. Soaked Almonds Improve Your Digestion

Soaked Almonds

Soaked almonds improve the release of digestive enzymes that will help you absorb the nutrients better.

Soaking almonds for at least eight hours also promotes the release of the enzyme lipase. This is a powerful component that helps you digest fat.

3. Soaked Almonds Promote Weight Loss

Almonds are also a source of unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which are helpful when it comes to weight loss. This is because they:

  • Make you feel full.
  • Preventing constipation.
  • Help you digest fat.
  • Support muscle mass, preventing skin sagging.
  • Fighting the metabolic syndrome.

4. Soaked Almonds Support Your Heart

Healthy Heart

We all know how good walnuts are for your heart, but it turns out that almonds are just as healthy for your heart!

Almonds help to lower LDL levels. LDL stands for low-density lipoproteins and is thus the ‘bad’ type of cholesterol.

By eating five soaked almonds every day, your body can use their minerals and antioxidants to take care of your arteries and veins. You will also improve circulation. So does the health of the walls of your arteries.

5. Soaked Almonds Are A Powerful Source Of Vitamin E

In addition, soaked almonds are a good source of antioxidants. Especially vitamin E. This vitamin appears when the skin is removed.

And thanks to their moisture content, you will be able to chew them better. All this together makes them an even better source of vitamin E. And vitamin E helps prevent aging and inflammation.

In addition, the antioxidants in this nut can help you fight cancer.

6. Soaked Almonds Are Good For Kids

little boy

If you let your child eat between four and six soaked almonds a day, you promote the development of their brains.

These nuts are rich in folic acid and essential fatty acids. They are very good for improving children’s memory and intelligence. It also helps them to build strong bones and muscles.

More interesting information: Seven reasons to eat grape seeds

7. Soaked Almonds Are Good For Your Skin

Finally, soaked almonds can be good for taking care of your skin. And this is how to do that:

  • After soaking them overnight, grind them into a smooth paste in a blender.
  • You can use this paste as a natural moisturizing cream.
  • Then apply it to your skin and leave it on for twenty minutes.

This natural treatment will reduce the tension of your facial skin. It also makes your skin glow and accelerates the production of new skin cells, thanks to the vitamin E.

Almonds are naturally rich in nutrients no matter how you eat them. But if you want to take full advantage of all the goodness of almonds,  we recommend soaking them for at least eight hours before eating them.

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