Fight Cough With Garlic And Onion

Both onion and garlic have expectorant, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, they can clear mucus and help reduce a developing cough.

Coughing is an annoying symptom that occurs when the immune system detects viruses and bacteria in the respiratory tract. There are natural remedies that you can use to combat that unpleasant cough.

Coughing is a defense mechanism. It is a way to get rid of the germs and foreign bodies that damage our health by means of an explosive expulsion of air from the lungs.

In general, the cough is accompanied by an excessive production of mucus, congestion and inflammation of the throat. We also know that it is very common for coughs to occur during the flu and colds. It is therefore often accompanied by irritation of the eyes, headaches and a general feeling of misery.

The good news is that there are remedies that are 100 percent natural. Thanks to their ingredients, they make the immune system stronger and ensure a faster recovery.

In this article we will introduce you to a treatment that combines the healing power of onion and garlic into a protective remedy.

Fight your cough with a natural drink with onion and garlic

This remedy is already a very old remedy. The natural drink with onion and garlic possesses antibiotic properties. When you drink it, it will help to reduce the severity of the cough.

In addition, it contains a large amount of anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiviral active elements. That makes it an effective means to clear the airways when you suffer from colds and the flu.

The benefits of onion to fight cough

Onions are one of the vegetables most often used in gastronomy. And that’s not just because they add flavor to meals. They also have a very high nutritional value, which means they have a lot of positive effects on health and help if you want to fight your cough.

  • For years they have excelled as a remarkable source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Once the body has absorbed them, these compounds will strengthen the immune system and enhance the processes responsible for removing the toxins from the body.
  • In addition, they also contain phosphorus elements that possess potent antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. For example, onions are an ideal means to treat ailments caused by viruses and bacteria.
  • Onions also have mucolytic and expectorant effects. As a result, they are effective in treating coughs and clearing phlegm.
  • And as if all these characteristics and properties are not enough, onions are also a natural tonic for the respiratory tract and also ensure the reduction of inflammation and cleaning.

The benefits of garlic in fighting cough

Fighting a cough with garlic

For centuries, garlic has been part of hundreds of cultures around the world. It has a spicy taste and has several nutritional properties. This has made garlic an indispensable ingredient in the daily diet of millions of people.

  • In this particular case, garlic excels for its antibiotic and expectorant effects. These help to remove the germs that cause the cough.
  • In addition to those qualities, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. All these effects together promote the cleansing of the airways and reduce inflammation.
  • In addition , it also helps to strengthen the immune system. It does this by increasing the production of antibodies that destroy the viruses and bacteria.

How can you fight cough with this natural onion and garlic remedy?

Fight cough with onion and garlic

This hot onion and garlic drink is a very easy recipe to make. Other commercial cough products can sometimes cause unwanted side effects, but that is not the case with this natural remedy.

It may not be a miracle cure to cure this condition, but drinking it provides an excellent additional tool to reduce symptoms.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 500ml water
  • half a medium onion
  • 2 raw garlic cloves

How do you prepare this drink?

  • First, put the water in a bowl and bring it to a boil over medium heat.
  • Then chop the onions and garlic.
  • When the water boils, add the chopped onion and garlic.
  • Now turn the heat down a bit and let it cook for two to three minutes.
  • After those few minutes, let it sit at room temperature until ready to drink.
  • Then you strain it and drink it.

How do you drink this drink?

  • Fill half a cup and drink it in small sips. Try to drink it as warm as you can.
  • Drink it as soon as you notice the first signs of a cough or constipation.
  • Repeat this three to four times a day, depending on the severity of your symptoms.
  • Use the drink as part of your treatment until you feel the cough has subsided.

Are you ready to try this powerful natural remedy? If you still haven’t tried it and you are now experiencing this problem, follow the instructions and see for yourself how helpful this drink is in helping you control your cough.

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