Fantastic Lavender Essential Oil For Your Home And Skin

Lavender essential oil is too wonderful to ignore. It’s excellent for your health, skin, and even around the house. Want to learn how to use this fantastic lavender essential oil? Then read on to find out what it can do for you and all the ways you can use it!
Fantastic lavender essential oil for your home and skin

Lavender is rich in essential oils, acids, coumarins, tannins and (in the flowers) saponin. Simply put,  lavender essential oil is a wonderful product.

When you think of lavender, an image of purple French fields may come to mind. This wild plant is common along the Mediterranean coast and in some parts of Africa, Asia and India. It has distinctive purple flowers. Lavender grows in dry fields and hills and loves the sun. 

What lavender essential oil can do for your health

Essential lavender oil for your health

Lavender has the following medicinal properties:

  • Its main feature is its powerful, soothing abilities. These have been known since ancient times. It was used in relaxing baths in ancient Rome. Lavender is useful for fighting anxiety, insomnia, stress etc.
  • In addition, it has antiseptic powers that help to disinfect, soothe and heal, for example in the treatment of all kinds of cuts, burns, bites and bruises.
  • Lavender is antiviral and antibacterial. These two properties make it an excellent way to prevent and treat respiratory diseases. Just think of conditions such as strep throat and inflamed tonsils. This also applies to infections in the genital area.
  • It improves skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, reducing inflammation and itching.
  • It promotes good digestion and calms the nerves that affect your stomach.
  • The anti-inflammatory and calming goodness of lavender essential oil is ideal to use for pain relief.
  • It helps with motion sickness.
  • Lavender gently lowers your blood pressure.
  • It prevents hair loss.

Oils and other extracts

The lavender essential oil concentrates all the goodness and scent of lavender in a small amount. It is obtained by a distillation process. A distillator is used for this.

It is therefore very difficult to make it at home. However, you can find it in herbal stores and other places that sell organic products.

What infusions can you make at home?

  • Oil infusion with lavender based on almond or olive oil : the ratio is 1 part lavender to 10 parts oil. Use a glass jar and then place it in the sun. Remember to shake every now and then.
  • Alcohol infusion with lavender: Fill a glass jar with dried lavender flowers, then add ethyl alcohol. Leave this for at least a week.
  • Concentrated tea made from dried flowers : This is the most common and easiest way to use lavender. It is the best way to consume the plant, as well as soaking your feet, using it in the bath, or as a mouthwash.

Lavender for your health

Essential lavender oil with lemon

The most common ways to use lavender for your health are:

  • In tea, for fighting insomnia and anxiety.
  • As a mouthwash to reduce inflammation in your upper respiratory tract.
  • Relaxing massages with lavender oil to de-stress.
  • Pain relieving massages with lavender alcohol. These are great for pain from rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, a stiff neck and foot or back pain.

Lavender for your skin and hair

One of the best ways to use lavender for your skin and hair is to add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your beauty products:

  • Face and body lotion:   it releases tension, helps with skin problems and stimulates regeneration.
  • Shampoo: it prevents hair loss.

Essential lavender oil also has the ability to enhance the effects of other natural components.

Essential lavender oil for your home


You can also add lavender essential oil to the cleaning products you use around the house . For example, detergent, fabric softeners, air fresheners and bathroom cleaners. That way you can take advantage of the wonderful scent. But it can also help with the following:

  • Keep insects away.
  • Makes your home a restful environment.
  • Get rid of fleas on your dog or cat.

It’s easy to make little sachets of lavender flowers. You can put them in your drawers and cupboards for a light perfume.

There are also larger pockets. You can use it as a kind of water bottle in your neck to sleep better.

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