Essential Oils To Control Anxiety

Do you suffer from fears? Try these essential oils in different ways to reduce and control your anxiety.
Essential Oils to Control Anxiety

You may have wondered how you can control anxiety other than by taking drugs that cause side effects. These side effects are often complaints such as fatigue, lethargy or apathy. Fortunately, today you can discover a natural alternative to manage anxiety using essential oils.

Several primary care studies show that one in four medical visits is about anxiety. This is very serious. For this reason, in this article we will discuss how to reduce anxiety using three essential oils.

Control Anxiety With Essential Oils

1. Lavender Oil

Bottle of lavender oil with lavender

The first way to control anxiety is with lavender oil. Lavender is a plant considered medicinal by many for its calming and relaxing properties.

How can you use it to control fears? Put a few drops of this essential oil in a diffuser or use the oil for a gentle massage. By doing this, you can achieve the various benefits. Lavender oil:

  • stimulates a positive emotional state.
  • reduces fatigue caused by stress.
  • reduce hostility.
  • promotes harmony and balance of emotions.

One tip to increase the effects of lavender when you’re anxious is to take a warm bath. Put a few drops of lavender essential oil in the water. This is an ideal remedy that you should apply at least every two weeks to control anxiety.

2. Geranium Oil

Geranium oil is not very well known. However, like lavender, it has beneficial properties that are very helpful for anyone who suffers from periods of anxiety. As in the previous case, you can use it in a diffuser so that the aroma spreads throughout the room and gives you all the benefits of aromatherapy. Geranium oil helps, among other things:

  • reduce anxiety and excitement.
  • balance your nervous system.
  • improve mood swings.
  • reduce nervous fatigue.

It is important to know that you can also mix geranium oil with lavender oil. This way you amplify the effects and get twice as many benefits.

To control your fears with this mixture, there is another option. Use geranium oil for a gentle foot massage. You can also rub it on other parts of your body where you need it.

3. Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang Oil To Control Anxiety

If you want to discover how to control anxiety with other essential oils, you can also use ylang-ylang, which means ‘flower of flowers’. It’s also not very well known, but its properties can have a surprising impact on calming fears because Ylang-ylang essential oil:

  • is a natural antidepressant.
  • can help to reduce nervous tension.
  • can help manage anxiety and frustration.
  • promotes good self-esteem.

If you are in a state of heightened fear, you can inhale the steam. You just need to bring water to a boil and add a few drops of this essential oil. When the water is boiling, lean over the pan with a towel over your head and inhale the steam from the water with the essential oil.

Additional Tips to Control Anxiety

In addition to using the essential oils we mentioned, it is important that you also take other measures. For example, you can put your desired essential oil in a diffuser and then meditate for 5 to 10 minutes. That way you can relax a lot more.

We must also emphasize the importance of exercise. If you don’t like running, you can do yoga exercises, for example. A very positive activity that helps reduce anxiety and can improve your well-being. In addition, a visit to a psychologist is essential to learn tools and tricks to keep anxiety under control.

We hope you learned how to manage anxiety using these natural remedies in this article. However, we also encourage you to start professional therapy as it will help you understand the root of your fears.

The therapist can also provide you with the necessary tools to reduce this. This, combined with regular use of essential oils, will significantly improve your well-being.

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