Errors In Shaving And Skin Care

To prevent shaving from causing skin damage, it is important to avoid certain mistakes and take care of your skin before and after. Do you want to know more about it? Then read this article!
Shaving and skin care mistakes

Shaving is a daily activity for both men and women. However, many of us still make certain mistakes while shaving that irritates the skin.

Although it looks like a simple routine and many are already familiar with it, there are always risks if it is not done correctly. Today we’ll discuss some common shaving and grooming mistakes.

According to information from the American Association of the Academy of Dermatology, in addition to razor blades, poor techniques and preparation cause discomfort. You should therefore try to improve your technique and take some care of your skin.

The most common shaving mistakes

  • One of the most common mistakes when shaving is to let the blade go in any direction. However, if you do this, you will have to go over the same spot several times to remove all the hair. As a result, skin irritation increases.
  • Be aware that shaving causes irritation as it removes the most superficial cells from the skin before they are removed spontaneously and physiologically. You should therefore always shave in the direction in which the hairs grow.
  • Another mistake, however, is not taking the time to prep your skin before shaving. Before you begin, it’s best to cleanse your skin to minimize the risk of irritation.
  • You should also use a moisturizer after shaving to maintain the skin’s barrier function.
    Finally, there are people who use blunt blades. This is a bad idea as they can cut into the skin, cause irritation and increase the risk of infection. The blades must be sharp to shave her.

How to prepare the skin for shaving

Man shaves with disposable razor

Now let’s take a look at some healthy tips. First of all , it is best not to shave immediately after waking up. After sleeping, the skin of the face is more sensitive to the effects of the blades, which can increase the risk of unwanted cuts and reactions. The skin is also swollen.

It is necessary to moisten and soften the hairs so that they are easier to shave. This reduces the risk of skin injury. Therefore, first clean the skin with a suitable product and cold or lukewarm water. The better prepared the area is, the easier it will be to shave. If there are fewer repetitions, there is less irritation.

Skin types

Every skin is different. The products or care applied to the skin therefore also vary. There is also a difference in the skin of men and that of women.

  • People with sensitive or dry skin should treat the skin with, for example, shaving cream before shaving to prevent irritation later. After shaving, it is a good idea to use aftershave products.
  • People with oily or acne-prone skin should use gels and creams specific to this skin type whenever possible. Oil-free products are also useful when shaving.

Shaving and grooming mistakes: the process

Shaving mistakes

The shaving cream or gel used is very important. Today, both are the most widely used due to their safety and comfort. They provide the necessary lubrication to reduce friction between the blade and the skin.

Once you start shaving, you should do it slowly and with due time, as it is a delicate process that must be done carefully and gently.

Also keep in mind that applying more pressure to the blade will not produce better results. On the contrary, the skin will suffer more from the pressure.

Care after shaving

Applying after shaving is also important. It is a good idea to use aftershave products (link is English) because due to their emollient content, they do not cause allergies that act on the skin to aid recovery.

With these products, the aim is to counteract the aggressive effect of shaving on the skin and in turn to create a pleasant feeling, which comes from the hydration or the fragrance.

Finally, it is best not to shave daily. Doing this every day does not give the skin enough time to recover. It is therefore a good idea to wait at least two days to repeat it.

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