Eat Foods Rich In Flavonoids Against Anxiety

We all know that chocolate can work wonders in combating anxiety attacks, but did you know that dark fruits, such as blueberries and cherries, can also be of great help?
Eat foods rich in flavonoids for anxiety

The title of this article may have surprised you. What do the flavonoids in our food have to do with their anti-anxiety effect?

In reality, however, there is a close connection between the two. A 2014 study would have shown that.

Although drugs containing this element are currently being developed, in the meantime we can also consume foods rich in flavonoids to take advantage of this property.

If you only eat eight strawberries a day, the amount of active substance you ingest is of course almost negligible, but it is a start. It’s a good idea to consider a natural, nutrient-rich supplement with your doctor’s approval.

However, we should also note that the study in question was conducted with rats. The effects on humans are therefore probably still uncertain.

Try These Foods For Anxiety

1. Cocoa beans

Cocoa beans are really delicious! When eaten in moderation and in combination with a balanced diet, cocoa beans can be very beneficial due to their high flavonoid content.

Many people already know that cocoa beans have traditionally been used as a medicine and as a form of therapy to improve mood and treat a variety of diseases.

2. Elderberries

  • Elderberries are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, making them a great daily supplement to combat anxiety.
  • In addition, remember that elderberries are a natural source of nutrients, especially the B complex vitamins, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and folic acid.
  • The berries have a great antioxidant effect.
  • They would strengthen the immune system.
  • At the pharmacy they also sell elderberries in the form of tablets. Of course you can also continue to consume them raw and washed.

3. Blueberries


We all know that blueberries are not always available in the supermarket. Still, the berries are said to be one of the healthiest and medicinal foods out there.

4. Locust Bean Gum

Locust bean gum is a healthy, natural and highly recommended alternative to classic, refined, white flours that are said to be harmful to health.

5. White tea

White Tea

Did you know that white tea contains more antioxidants than any other natural drink? White tea offers more benefits than green tea for these reasons: the tea is rich in flavonoids and contains less caffeine.

As a result, the tea may offer less energy, but this drink would make  an excellent natural infusion to combat everyday anxiety. White tea has a mild and pleasant taste.

So don’t forget to get a package at the drugstore.

6. Acai Berries

The scientific name is Euterpe Oleracea . Have you ever tried them? Is it possible to buy acai berries in the supermarket near you?

If so, we recommend doing this right away. Eat these berries regularly (six to eight a day). They would be a great remedy for treating mild anxiety and nervousness.

Note: Never rely entirely on natural remedies and always visit your therapist or doctor first.

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