Discover 13 Alternative Tips With Cola

To remove stubborn stains on your beautiful things, you can add a dash of Coca-Cola to the wash or apply the Coke directly to the stain. You will notice that the stains disappear without any problems.
Discover 13 alternative tips with cola

Who has never heard of Coke? The drink is known and loved in the farthest corners of the world. Maybe not the healthiest thing to drink, but here we have collected some tips with cola to use it in a healthier way.

More and more evidence is emerging that this soft drink is not very good for health. The large amounts of sugar and other harmful ingredients can harm our health in both the short and long term.

The use of cola leads to a series of changes in the body’s metabolism, which are already apparent after drinking a single glass of cola. In the long run, it causes conditions such as:

  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • problems in the bones
  • respiratory system disorders
  • nervous system problems
  • possible premature aging

Do you also know what the drink you like so much is used for? This article describes some surprising alternative tips with cola that you probably don’t know yet.

13 alternative tips with coke

1. Cleaning the toilet with Coke

Do you notice stains on the white enamel of the toilet bowl that don’t seem to disappear no matter how hard you brush? Pour a good splash of Coke into the toilet and let it soak for about an hour. Afterwards, you can effortlessly scrub the toilet clean with a brush.

Done with endless brushing and trying all kinds of expensive cleaning products if you do this experiment with a simple glass of Coke.

2. Get rid of rust

Remove rust with cola

If you have metal objects in the house that are quite corroded, let them soak overnight in cola. You will notice that they are easy to brush the next morning and will show their original shine again.

3. Cola makes grease stains disappear

This is probably one of our best tips with cola. Pay attention!

Sometimes your favorite things are ruined by an annoying grease stain that is almost impossible to remove. You have already tried different soaps and expensive remedies, but without success. All you have to do now is wash them in the washing machine with a good splash of cola.

Or even better: treat the grease stains on textiles by applying the drink immediately to the fabric.

4. Soak chewing gum out of your hair

Do you have long hair and has it ever happened to you that a piece of chewing gum got tangled in the locks of your hair? The only solution then seemed to cut off a piece of your hair, didn’t it? 

What you should do next time is apply Coke to the sticky piece of hair. Wait a few minutes and you can remove the chewing gum from the hair without any problem.

5. Cleaning pots and pans with cola

Cola for cleaning a pan

This is also a very useful one of our coke tips.

Frequent use of pots and pans can cause them to develop a brownish coating on the edges and on the cooking surface. Your cookware will look brand new if you soak a good splash of Coke in the pans.

The chemicals in the soda will make the brown deposits disappear and your pans will return to their original shine.

6. Insect repellent for your plants

In India, cola is already widely used as an insecticide to remove vermin. The drink is able to fight different types of insects and is also much cheaper than the earlier, harmful products that were used for this.

7. Shiny Coke Coins

Collectors probably know that cola can be used to polish old money coins. Put them in a container with cola for a while and then scrub them shiny clean without any effort.

8. Removing paint residue from furniture

Did you give the room a fresh color, but unfortunately did you also spill paint on furniture or other objects?

Dip a cloth in enough Coke and use it to easily remove annoying paint stains. Then you polish everything to avoid sticky sugar traces.

9. Experiment with a different hair color

Hair mask with cola

If you notice that the hair dye you have used is just a bit too dark, you can make the hair a shade lighter by using cola.  Rub a little cola through your hair and let it soak in for a while. Rinse your hair well and you will immediately notice the difference.

10. Cleaning the car battery

Cola ensures that you can easily remove corrosion that builds up on a car battery. Put cola in a water spray and sprinkle the battery with liquid. Use a wire brush to scrub the battery corrosion.

11. Unscrew screws with ease

If the screw you want to loosen is stuck, pour a glass of Coke over it. Wait a few minutes and you will notice that you can easily loosen those stuck screws.

12. Soaking Blood Stains

You have probably already read that cola can be used to treat blood stains in the house, in the car or anywhere else. In America, the police already made it a habit to clean the asphalt and sidewalk after a crime that spilled blood on the street.

13. Cola, a formidable enemy of oil

Cola easily removes any oil stain on the floor, carpet, on clothing and in the oven. Apply the cola directly to the stain and let the liquid soak in for a few minutes. Afterwards, polish well and the surface will look like new.

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