Depression And Anxiety Are Signs Of Strength

Emotional problems are not a choice and no one wants to deal with depression or anxiety. These problems can arise as a result of complex circumstances or situations.
Depression and anxiety are signs of strength

In our society there is a false assumption that problems like depression and anxiety are signs of weakness and inability in life.

However, this is far from true; a person who suffers from anxiety, depression or fluctuating symptoms is not mad or shaky, nor does he have a weak or subordinate character.

Regardless of advances in science  , the modern consciousness that defines our society still affirms that emotional and psychological problems equate to weakness and vulnerability.

And since depression and anxiety aren’t seen as wounds that need healing, it’s common for people who suffer from them to hear comments like:

  • ‘relax’
  • ‘it’s not that bad’
  • “Life is not meant to get you upset all the time”
  • ‘you have no reason to cry’
  • ‘that’s part of growing up’

It is even plausible that in our lives we have been on both sides of this line of reasoning. So it is important to raise awareness and give emotional pain the attention it deserves and needs.

Just like you shouldn’t ignore a stomachache or migraine, you shouldn’t ignore emotional pain either.

A healing process


We cannot expect these wounds to heal on their own. We have to work on them and find out their meaning.

You may need to see a psychologist who can help you and give you some strategies to deal with this immense emotional pain that generates so much anxiety and depression.

To extend our example further,  try to avoid thoughts and circumstances that infect your emotional wound.  A band-aid is not enough: you have to purify and heal your emotions.

So in this article we try to help people who suffer from these kinds of wounds to get their emotions back under control. So let’s take a closer look.

Anxiety, an unpleasant rollercoaster ride


The feelings associated with fear are similar to the feelings you would experience if you had an unpleasant experience while riding the roller coaster.

As soon as the ride starts, your heart rate goes up, everything spins, the carts spin 360° several times. You are dragged into dark tunnels and through sharp turns and the balloons fly around your head as if they are attacking you.

Your breathing speeds up and your heart continues to beat faster and faster. It seems like something could collapse at any moment. You have mixed feelings, you feel tension in your chest, you can’t move and do nothing. 

You cannot avoid the negative thoughts in your head. Then you start screaming, you cry, you complain, but no one can hear you, you can’t even hear yourself.

You desperately ask if the roller coaster can please stop and you feel like you are going to die. However, you cannot make your car slow down; it only stops when the ride is over.

When you look at it this way, anxiety is like a bad roller coaster ride. Eventually the ride will be over, but you don’t know when or how.

So it is very difficult to control yourself while facing this uncertainty.

Depression, darkness of the soul


Anyone who suffers from depression feels as if everything in their life is veiled in darkness. This darkness takes over your surroundings little by little, there is nothing more to motivate or encourage you.

It takes a lot of effort to study or go to work. You also notice that you are immensely sad or irritable.

Depression is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The bucket is already too full because of all the complicated situations and circumstances that have left a big impression on you. They have ensured that you are no longer comfortable in your own skin.

It is important that when you notice that something is not right, you consult an expert who can help you and offer you support so that you have a better emotional understanding of what is going on.

No one is completely free from the grip of anxiety and depression

Black Window

Depression and anxiety are signs of strength, not weakness. These emotional problems don’t just happen overnight, but are forged in the infernal fires of life, in emotional difficulties and exhaustion.

Nor are depression and anxiety the result of personal choices. It’s not like we decide for ourselves whether or not it will bother us.

Both emotional problems stem from fighting life’s difficulties and wanting to keep yourself strong for too long. No one is exempt from the possibility of experiencing problems such as anxiety and depression at some point in their life.

Raise awareness, learn to understand these issues and above all,  never try to judge. 

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