Delicious Smoothie For Weight Loss

This smoothie should only be used as a supplement to a healthy, balanced diet. The ingredients will help burn fat more easily and prevent fluid retention.
Delicious smoothie for weight loss

This delicious weight loss smoothie with apple, lemon and grapefruit can be incredibly helpful for weight loss. It’s a simple addition to your diet that will help you feel full faster. In addition, it will help you avoid fluid retention.

If you drink the drink regularly with breakfast or after dinner, you will start to see results within two weeks.

However, remember that you also need to maintain a balanced and varied diet. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and get as much physical activity as possible.

Apple, lemon and grapefruit: a slimming combination

You have probably known for a long time that there is no miracle diet for weight loss. However, the right nutrition will ultimately help you achieve the results you desire. Healthy weight loss is possible as long as you pay close attention to what you eat.

So… why not start incorporating delicious fruits like apples, lemons and grapefruit into your diet daily? We are happy to explain why these fruits are such an excellent choice in the fight against the pounds.

Green apples, the weight loss fruit

There are many different types of apples, but in this smoothie we use a green apple variety. These are preferably organic. We also use the peel in this weight loss smoothie.  That’s why it’s best to try and buy apples that are as natural as possible and free of pesticides.

  • Green apples promote metabolism.
  • The peel contains pectin, a substance that regulates the level of lipids in your body. This makes green apples a good tool in the fight against obesity. Pectin can help to break down even the oldest fat deposits.
  • They keep your blood sugar in balance.
  • They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. These improve  cardiovascular health.
  • Finally, green apples are very satiating because they are rich in fiber. This means that this fruit can counteract both fluid retention and constipation.

Lemons, the key to a well-balanced pH value

lemon water

We’ve talked about the importance of lowering acidity in your diet before. We also talk more often about the importance of eliminating toxins that cause inflammation and disease. All this to optimize the functioning of a large part of the organs in your body.

By drinking a glass of water with lemon juice every day, you can facilitate the elimination of fat. This is done through “forced disappearance.” This means that fat offers less resistance to combustion.

  • Lemon juice can help lower bad cholesterol levels. It also facilitates blood circulation.
  • It also improves digestion, making your body better able to absorb nutrients. It also helps prevent toxins from entering your bloodstream through your gut.
  • The citric acid of lemons is good for your liver.
  • The antioxidants and vitamin C from lemons strengthen your immune system.

This allows you to start your diet plan with a strong liver and immune system. This  way you can prevent the formation of new fat deposits.

Grapefruit: good for reducing fluid retention and inhibiting inflammation

Remember, this apple, lemon, and grapefruit smoothie shouldn’t be the main change in your weight loss diet. This weight loss smoothie is only intended as a supplement.  It’s meant to help you get the day off to a good start or to curb your urge to eat after dinner.

These ingredients contain no protein or iron. So it’s important to make sure you get all the other nutrients you need through other foods throughout the day.

  • By adding grapefruit to this smoothie you get a powerful diuretic. This will help to remove waste products from the body that could otherwise cause inflammation and fluid retention.
  • The grapefruit supports the green apple and lemon juice. So always try to buy organic grapefruit: only it will provide the highest quality antioxidants and vitamins.

Recipe for this smoothie for weight loss

Smoothie for weight loss


  • 1 green apple
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • The juice of 1 grapefruit
  • 200 milliliters of water
  • Optional: honey or stevia


  • You can have this smoothie ready in under five minutes. First of all, wash the green apple well and cut it into pieces.
  • Then put the apple pieces together with the lemon juice, grapefruit juice and water in the blender. Mix the ingredients together until the mixture has a smooth consistency.
  • If you want to sweeten the smoothie or balance the sourness, you can add a tablespoon of honey or a little stevia.

Drink this weight loss smoothie every morning with breakfast. In addition, remember to maintain a balanced diet that is rich in protein and low in unsaturated fats.

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