Delicious Artisan Bread Recipe

If you want to make a delicious artisan bread at home, here are some tricks to do it. In addition, we give you some information about the nutrients that artisan bread contains. Enjoy it!
Delicious artisan bread recipe

Bread is without a doubt one of the oldest foodstuffs that man has come to prepare himself. Surely it has been a faithful companion of many people for thousands of years. Over time, the preparation of bread has of course been perfected. This has also made it increasingly easier to make your own bread, regardless of the type of bread you want to prepare, such as in the case of artisan bread.

Of course, there are different recipes for artisan bread, according to the tradition of a particular area or the personal preferences of each person. However, the artisan bread recipe we share in this article will also serve as the basis for other similar breads.

Before going into the details of the ingredients and the method of preparation of artisan bread, let’s take a quick look at the ingredients and the nutrients and contributions this bread provides. 

When it comes to bread, we have to consider the ingredients it is made from. In general, wheat flour, yeast, salt and water are the basic ingredients for the dough, to be baked into bread later in the oven.

You should keep in mind that there are many myths about bread. The most common belief regarding bread is that ‘it only contains carbohydrates and makes it fat’.

While we can’t deny that wheat flour is high in carbohydrates, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s negative and counterproductive to the body.

In fact, carbohydrates are also necessary (to a greater or lesser extent, depending on our metabolism) for the proper functioning of the body in general.

At the same time, you should know that there is no single food that consists entirely of carbohydrates. That’s not how food works. That’s why you have to be very careful with myths.

Now it’s high time to tell you how to make your own bread while also getting as close as possible to the objective reality of each meal we recommend.

How can you make artisan bread yourself?

The nutritional value of wheat flour

White flour to make artisan bread

To avoid blindly believing in false myths, you need to know what wheat flour really is and what it can do for you. It is common to read that ‘it is best to avoid wheat flour’. Often, however, these types of texts tend to completely distort or alter the true information about flour.

Wheat bran contains a variety of nutrients and probiotics. In a nutshell, bran is the element that makes flour as well as other foods high-quality.

In addition , wheat is the only grain that is optimal for bread making. That is, the production of artisan bread would be quite unlikely if wheat did not exist, or the eventual production of refined wheat flour (with or without yeast).

If you should therefore be careful with something, it is always the portions that you consume. 200 grams of bread does not pose a risk to your weight, provided you have a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. However, if this is not the case and you have fairly poor eating habits, then bread may not be the best option for you.

Now that we’ve cleared up many on the ingredients that artisan bread contains, it’s time to show you how to make your own artisan bread at home.


  • 4 cups wheat flour, without yeast (400 g)
  • 1 tablespoon yeast for flour (25 g)
  • 10 cups lukewarm water (850 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon salt (25 g)

Preparation method

Dough for artisan bread
  • To start, grab a large, preferably deep bowl, so that all the ingredients fit in it. It is important to take this into account.
  • Place all dry ingredients in the bowl. That is, the flour, the salt and the yeast, making sure to make a well in the middle where you can then pour the water into it.
  • After you have effectively completed the previous step, pour the water into the well and use a fork to stir.
  • You can also use a plastic spoon to avoid lumps. The secret is to make sure your dough is smooth.
  • Then throw the contents of the bowl on your counter to knead into a dough. It is important to use force for this step.
  • Knead the dough with your hands so that it becomes smooth, elastic and free of lumps.
  • The result should be an elastic but firm mass.
  • At this point, make it an elongated shape, which is characteristic of artisan bread.
  • Bake the bread for about 25 minutes at 120 ºC.
  • After 25 minutes, remove the bread from the oven, let it cool slightly at room temperature and voilà, enjoy!

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