Control Your Blood Sugar With Two Ingredients

Because cinnamon can significantly lower your blood sugar, it’s important that you talk to your doctor about other medications or treatments you’re taking that have the same effect.
Regulate your blood sugar with two ingredients

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. This is due to insufficient production of insulin or because the body does not respond correctly to the amount of insulin being produced. In this article we will mention two ingredients that regulate your blood sugar levels.

Leading a sedentary lifestyle or following a poor diet are two primary causes of this health problem. This health problem has spread worldwide in recent decades. According to several studies, there are more than 382 million people with diabetes today and the number is growing.

This health problem can be controlled, but it is important that you start treatment. This way you can eliminate all kinds of sugary foods that can make the condition worse.

Treatment for diabetes should be tailor-made for each individual and maintained regularly to ensure blood sugar levels remain stable.

Although you need medical treatment and visit your doctor regularly for checkups, you can also use some home remedies to regulate your blood sugar levels.

How do you regulate your blood sugar with just two ingredients?

This treatment for diabetes will only contain two inexpensive ingredients, namely cinnamon and cloves. Both have been proven to have positive effects for individuals with diabetes.

Cinnamon to regulate your blood sugar level

A recent study found that cinnamon can help individuals who have type 2 diabetes. The participants in the study regularly consumed cinnamon and found that both their blood sugar and cholesterol were lowered.

It appears that cinnamon promotes the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and also increases the effectiveness of insulin. Regular consumption of cinnamon activates essential enzymes that stimulate the cellular recipients to respond more effectively to insulin production.

Cloves to regulate blood sugar

Cloves are a popular spice worldwide thanks to their tantalizing aroma and the delectable flavor they add to recipes. But they are much more than just an herb. Cloves have medicinal properties, one of which is the ability to lower high blood sugar.

Cloves are one of the highest levels of antioxidants, along with 80 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, as well as beta-carotene, vitamin E, selenium, fiber, phytosterols and several essential minerals.

How do you regulate your blood sugar with cinnamon and cloves?

ground cinnamon

Now that we’ve shown why cinnamon and cloves can help lower blood sugar, it’s time to learn how to make this powerful home remedy for managing diabetes.


  • 4 sticks of cinnamon
  • 60 grams of cloves
  • 1 liter of water

How are you?

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and store in a refrigerator for four to five days. After that time, drain the liquid and drink half a cup every day.



It is important to remember that not all people should use this treatment. This treatment can have harmful side effects. If you have diabetes and want to try this home remedy, the first thing you should keep in mind is the following:

  • Cinnamon can make existing liver problems worse.
  • This home remedy can significantly lower your blood sugar, so be careful if you are already taking other medications or supplements for the same purpose.
  • In addition, some types of cinnamon contain a component that can lower your body’s ability to create blood clots. It’s important to buy your cinnamon from a reputable source to make sure the quality is good.
  • If your doctor has already determined that you have diabetes, it is important to contact him/her before using this natural home remedy. 

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