Clogged Sinuses: Three Effective Treatments

While your respiratory system is also responsible for your immune system, your sense of smell, and even your hearing, it has an especially important function in regards to your nose.
Clogged Sinuses: Three Effective Treatments

In order to breathe, you have to inhale and exhale. Clogged sinuses, however, can make this quite difficult. That’s why it’s important to clean your sinuses properly.

Your sinuses are made up of bone cavities that connect to your nose.

Filled with mucus, they are tasked with keeping this part of your body moist, balancing your air intake and properly distributing the weight of the facial bone structure.

These features are especially important in winter when constipation can become your worst enemy.

During the winter it often happens that the sinuses become inflamed and thus impede breathing. In addition, the sinuses can of course also become inflamed as a result of an infection, a virus or allergies.

Normally, air can move through your nose and sinuses without any interruption. If not, however, you could develop sinusitis, a condition caused by a cold, the flu, or bacteria.

So how can you clear clogged sinuses once and for all? Pay close attention to the recommendations in this article.

Treatments for Clogged Sinuses

1. Rinse with salt water

Saline Solution For Clogged Sinuses

Clogged sinuses can get worse during the night. The best way to avoid this discomfort is to rinse your nose with salt water before going to sleep.

This method will clear your sinuses and reduce your inflammation.


  • 3 teaspoons salt (15 g)
    1 teaspoon baking soda (5 g)
    1 cup distilled or purified water (250 ml)


  • A large pipette bottle


  • First, add the salt to the distilled water and mix the two ingredients well.
  • Then add the baking soda and keep stirring.

Ultimately, the aim is to obtain a colorless mixture.

How to apply this treatment

  • All you have to do is fill the pipette bottle halfway with this mixture.
  • Then tilt your head to the left and inhale through your mouth.
  • Then slowly drip the mixture into your right nostril and wait for it to come out on the left. 
  • If you feel like the mixture is getting into your ear or throat, change your position.
  • D oe then the same on the left. 
  • Finally, blow your nose to get rid of all the dirt and excess mucus and to clear your sinuses.

2. Steam

Steaming to treat blocked sinuses

Steam acts as a natural cleanser and moisturizer. It clears the sinuses and improves your cardiovascular system by removing toxins.

It also releases endorphins, which help your body relax and clear your clogged sinuses.


  • First, bring some water to a boil or fill a container with water that is hot enough to produce steam.

How to apply this treatment

  • Hang a towel over your head over the bowl of hot water.
  • Then breathe in and out slowly to clear your sinuses.
  • Do this for five minutes.
  • Finally, dampen your towel with the warm water and then apply the towel to your face.
  • Wait for the towel to cool completely before removing it from your face again.

Massage with essential oils

Essential Oils To Treat Clogged Sinuses

Oregano oil is one of the most therapeutic oils. It has antioxidant properties and contains cleansing agents that make it one of the best remedies to fight infection.

When you combine it with almond oil, you get a remedy that will be even more effective, as it acts as a moisturizer for the skin and hydrates your blocked sinuses.


  • 1 tablespoon almond oil (15 g)
  • 2 drops of oregano oil


  • First of all, make sure your hands and face are clean.
  • Then mix the almond oil with the two drops of oregano oil.

How to apply this treatment

  • Warm the mixture between your hands, then spread it gently over the areas of your face where your sinuses are.
  • As you make circular movements, you are supposed to inhale and exhale slowly to absorb the essence of the oils and their properties.
  • Do this for five minutes. You will notice that it immediately becomes easier to breathe.

Other recommendations

  • Make sure you get more vitamins to boost your immune system and fight off symptoms of allergies and colds.
  • Drink warm tea to clear your airways.
  • Use warm compresses three times a day for your blocked sinuses.
  • Make sure you drink more water to stay hydrated.
  • Try not to smoke or smoke less and also to avoid smoking areas.
  • Try not to blow your nose all the time, this will only make your nose dry. If you do have to blow your nose, do so gently to prevent blood vessels from bursting or inflammation.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach – this promotes the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.
  • Keep your rooms free of dust.
  • Keep moving. Remember that endorphins, which are released when you exercise, also help to relieve the pain.

The next time a virus tries to attack your body again, you know what to do. Get rid of it fast!  

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