Behavior You Should Never Accept In A Relationship

It is essential that you learn to identify this type of behavior from the beginning of a relationship. You mustn’t overlook it. It can become permanent and destroy you spiritually.
Behavior you should never accept in a relationship

When we make the decision to have a partner, we look for an experience full of emotion and joy. But there are behaviors you should never accept in a relationship. Read more here.

The attraction and affection we feel for this person encourages us to improve ourselves. And with the passage of time, it allows us to feel ourselves complete.

But we all know that problems will come our way at some point. This can strengthen the bond, but it can also break it. Facing difficulties determines whether we really want to continue that relationship.

It’s normal for a relationship to have ups and downs, but it’s important to be able to recognize that certain behaviors and nasty actions are not acceptable under any circumstances.

The so-called emotional predators are omnipresent. And unfortunately, we often fall prey to their games. This can put us in terrible situations.

That’s why we want to devote today’s article to this, about behaviors that you should never accept in your relationship if you don’t want to get hurt and damaged. Discover all 7 examples!

1. Control is behavior you should never accept

Control in a relationship is behavior you should never accept

When you accept to be in a relationship with someone, you want to share your life with them, but you don’t want them to take control of you.

If you allow others to tell you what to do and what not to do, how to dress, or what friends you spend time with, then it’s likely that as time goes on, they’ll think they have total control over your decisions.

Continuing these kinds of relationships can destroy your self-esteem, your confidence, and your freedom to develop your own personality. This is behavior you should never accept.

2. Aggression

Watch out! Whether male or female, physically or emotionally aggressive behavior is behavior that you should never accept, no matter the circumstances. Verbal assaults, pushing, and in the worst cases physical assault are all the reasons to decide that this person has no place in your life.

If someone attacks your integrity because things in your life don’t suit them, or because they think they can solve problems that way, it can escalate. These partners are manipulative and will look for ways to convince you to stay with them. Precisely because you know their weaknesses.

3. Lack of confidence

Lack of trust in a relationship is behavior you should never accept

One of the basic necessities in any relationship is trust. This ingredient allows both partners to feel confident in front of the person standing next to them. While they can’t always be together, it will make them feel safe in the knowledge that they have each other.

The lack of this condition  will lead to suffocating jealousy and constant discussions. Be it one or both of them. This is also behavior that you should never accept.

4. Emotional Blackmail

The kind of people who tend to manipulate their partner often analyze their emotions thoroughly so that they can later use that to blackmail that person. In general, they try to create a concept of toxic love , in which all their actions and behavior are lawful because they “love you.”

It is very important to be strong when dealing with this kind of blackmail. This is because any sign of weakness will make them feel like they are in control of you.

5. Mocking Your Appearance

Emotional blackmail is behavior you should never accept in a relationship

We all have physical beauty flaws that can leave us feeling insecure. They can also cause problems in our relationships and our social environment.

However, when we share our life with someone, we want that person to help us make it less important what we don’t like. And we want them to be good for our confidence and self-esteem.

If your partner mocks your appearance, end the relationship. Think, for example, that he or she gives you a sneer about your body. Or that he/she puts pressure on you about your weight. They may also try to belittle you by emphasizing your bad points.

You are under no obligation to live up to their beauty stereotypes  , let alone please anyone else. This is real behavior that you should never accept.

6. Lies

Lies are one of the greatest enemies of relationships. Not only because they affect trust, but also because it becomes a means of manipulation.

While it can be well-intentioned to tell a white lie every now and then, if you allow this to become a way of life, it  can completely ruin the relationship. 

Lies tend to be judged as unfaithful and if they are common, they can act as a trigger to make you realize that this person is not who they say they are.

7. Bringing You Down

If someone is constantly putting you down, that's behavior you should never accept in a relationship

As sad as it may seem, some people will do anything to make their partner happy, only to be put down and humiliated as a reward.

If your partner doesn’t appreciate you for who you are, it’s best to leave them as soon as possible. For example, if he/she tries to make you feel inferior or makes fun of you in front of others.

Allowing this behavior will make these people feel superior and they have the right to attack you whenever they want.

Have you noticed this kind of behavior in your partner? Watch out! Don’t let the situation overwhelm you, because you may regret it. Your relationship should be respectful and should provide you with everything to feel happy.

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