Beauty Treatments With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a multifunctional product. You can use it both externally and internally, something our ancestors already knew!
Beauty treatments with apple cider vinegar

It is interesting to see how simple resources that everyone has on hand can sometimes be just as effective as expensive commercial resources. Like these beauty treatments with apple cider vinegar for example!

Apple cider vinegar is an inexpensive and effective product that can be used in many ways. So why not use it for your hair, skin and nails?

It makes the skin softer, relieves dryness and itching and heals acne. You can make good medicines from this simple and accessible product, the only drawback of which may be the smell.

It’s worth the try.

A lot of cosmetic products are made with natural raw materials. Apple cider vinegar is probably one of the most traditional products of all, as even our ancestors used it.

Let’s talk a little more about it.

Beauty treatments with apple cider vinegar

It promotes the restoration of hair health

Apple cider vinegar is good for hair

Apple cider vinegar contains many vitamins and also has anti-infective and medicinal properties.

This makes it the most suitable means for restoring hair that is dry and dull, if hair dye has affected the natural shine or if, for example, using the hair dryer a lot, your hair has become so dry that it has become lifeless.

How to use it:

It’s very simple.

  • All you have to do is dissolve a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and then massage it into your hair for five minutes.
  • Then rinse it well with fresh water.
  • If you repeat this simple trick every 15 days, you will see the difference.

Anti dandruff

Apple cider vinegar also has anti-fungal properties. What does that mean? It helps in healing scalp conditions such as dandruff and flaking.

How to use it:

  • You will need a small spray bottle for this. Small, because is better for distributing the mixture we are going to make.
  • Mix 200 ml of water with the same amount of apple cider vinegar and shake well.
  • If you have washed your hair and it is still damp, spray the desired amount on your head.
  • Run it well towards your scalp.
  • Then you wash it out carefully.

Facial care

Facial treatment with apple cider vinegar

It seems unbelievable, but one of the best beauty treatments with apple cider vinegar is as a facial cleanser. It ensures a balanced pH value and cleans thoroughly. It is a natural astringent. And what’s even better: it makes your face glow, making you look young and healthy.

How to use it:

  • Take 100 ml of water and the same amount of apple cider vinegar.
  • Mix it well and store it in a bowl in the fridge to keep it fresh.
  • Moisten a cotton pad with the liquid and clean your face with it.
  • It is important that you first wash your face with soap.

Once you have treated your face with this tonic, you no longer need to use a moisturizing cream. Your skin will be healthy, well-groomed, and beautiful.

Healing Dark Spots

Apple cider vinegar against spots in the face

This is an age-old method of reducing dark spots. They won’t disappear completely, but they will lighten, especially the spots caused by the sun or aging.

How to use it:

  • You use this option of our beauty treatments with apple cider vinegar together with onion. These two astringents are perfect against stains.
  • Squeeze the juice from the onion by mixing it in a blender. Try to extract as much juice as possible.
  • Mix it with half a (small) glass of apple cider vinegar.
  • Mix it well and then use a cotton pad to apply the tonic to the dark areas of the skin.
  • Let it sit for twenty minutes and then wash your face thoroughly.

It is important that you do not expose yourself to the sun during this time. If you repeat this every fifteen days, you will gradually see that the spots become lighter and less noticeable.

Remedy for itching or muscle pain

Treat itchy skin with apple cider vinegar

In addition to beauty treatments with apple cider vinegar, it is also a good remedy for itching or muscle pain, for example.

Sometimes, due to allergies or nerves, you get a terrible itching all over your body. This can also happen if you feel tense and have muscle soreness that prevents you from getting enough rest. Apple cider vinegar acts as a body and muscle relaxant. It is a simple method that you should not miss.

How to use it:

  • Fill your bathtub with warm water and add 250 ml apple cider vinegar.
  • Take a bath for twenty minutes. You immediately feel the relaxing effect.

It is a simple recovery tool if, for whatever reason, you feel restless or in pain. Do not miss it!

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