A Powerful 3-ingredient Antiviral Drink

We all know that lemon, honey and ginger are known for their medicinal properties. So it makes sense that when you put them together they are also very powerful.
A powerful antiviral drink with 3 ingredients

Your body is exposed to many different factors and situations every day that can cause infections. However, the body has an immune system that is responsible for keeping these pathogens at bay. You can strengthen the immune system yourself with a powerful antiviral drink.

There are several factors that can weaken your immune system, such as:

  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • insufficient exercise
  • an unhealthy diet
  • sudden weather changes

As a result, we become more susceptible to the development of various diseases caused by these microorganisms.

The nutrients that the body gets from food are the key to a strong immune system that is able to fend off the attack of viruses and bacteria.

In this article below we give you the recipe for a powerful antiviral drink, which you make with three super healthy ingredients. It will give your immune system a real boost. This will help it function better and be better able to fight off viral diseases.

How do I make a powerful three-ingredient antiviral drink?

It probably sounds surprising that we only use three simple and easily available ingredients for this antiviral drink: lemon, ginger and honey.



Lemon is known for the high doses of vitamin C it contains. It is a natural antibiotic and strengthens the immune system by activating the white blood cells.

These antibiotic and antiviral properties ensure that large numbers of viruses and bacteria do not have the chance to affect our health and especially our respiratory system.

In addition, lemon has an alkalizing effect in the body. If there are too many acids in the body, this throws the acidity of the body out of balance.

Did you know that pathogens such as viruses, fungi and bacteria can only cause illness and inflammation in an acidic environment?

Lemon ensures that the pH in the body remains optimal, so that these invaders do not have the chance to cause diseases and infections.


Ginger root has been popular for centuries for its powerful medicinal properties. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It is also commonly used to loosen mucus in the airways.

In addition, ginger contains high amounts of antioxidants. As a result, this plant is able to support the body’s immune system and prevent diseases such as flu, colds, asthma and other respiratory diseases.

It becomes easier to cough up phlegm, so that a persistent cough and irritated throat can be avoided. A flu or cold is quickly killed and it also works to reduce fever.

It is a genuine natural medicine, which not only has anti-inflammatory properties, but also resolutely attacks bacteria, fungi and toxins.



Research has suggested that honey also has this powerful antibiotic effect that can eliminate the viruses and bacteria responsible for the flu and colds.

Our ancestors already knew all these healing properties of honey. You probably remember from your childhood that you were invariably given tea with honey to cure colds and diseases of the respiratory tract.

The research also suggested that honey makes it easier to cough up stuck-on mucus. This makes it a very suitable natural remedy to use as a supplement to the classic medication against asthma and other respiratory diseases that are caused by a weakened immune system.

Antiviral lemon, honey and ginger drink

Now that you’re convinced of the antiviral properties of these simple natural ingredients, here’s the recipe for this potent antiviral drink, which will undoubtedly help you get through the winter without those pesky colds or flu that can leave you glued to the cold for days. your bed.

It strengthens your immune system and ensures that germs do not have the chance to develop in the body.

Keep these three cheap and simple foods on hand so you can conjure up this medicinal, antiviral drink as soon as you feel the symptoms of a cold or cold come on.

What do you need for this?

  • 2 large lemons, unpeeled and preferably organic
  • half a ginger root
  • 8 tablespoons bee honey (about 200 ml)

How do you prepare this antiviral drink?

  • Wash the lemons thoroughly with water and vinegar to remove all pesticide residues if it is not possible to buy organic lemon. For this drink we also use the peel of the lemon, because it contains nutrients and vitamin C.
  • Also wash the ginger root thoroughly and chop it into small pieces.
  • Mix everything in the blender and then add the honey to the mixture.
  • Pour the juice into a glass bowl or bottle and store it in the refrigerator.
  • If you notice that the honey is crystallizing over time, heat the bowl briefly in a bain-marie, so that the healing properties are not lost.

How do you use it?

We recommend one tablespoon per day from the age of 13. A teaspoon is enough for children. You can safely dissolve this concentrated drink in warm water, tea or another hot drink.

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