Six Types Of Toxic Relationships To Avoid

If the person you love makes you feel guilty or disrespect you all the time, you’d better distance yourself.
Six Types of Toxic Relationships You Should Avoid

Let’s talk about toxic relationships. You probably have an idea of ​​what those are. It’s even possible that you’ve experienced one or more, so you know the tremendous emotional damage it can do to your health if you find yourself in a relationship with someone who thinks their own wishes are more important than your own.

There’s something strange that always happens when it comes to toxic relationships: you know what it is, but you don’t see it when you’re caught up in it yourself. Why not? You are emotionally involved too deeply. Love and affection can sometimes be like being blindfolded, preventing you from seeing the truth.

That’s why today we want to talk about six types of toxic relationships that everyone should be able to distinguish in order to avoid them and set boundaries in order to protect themselves. We also need to make sure that we don’t just talk about romantic relationships when it comes to toxic relationships, as  it can also occur within friendships and family.

Let’s start.

1. Relationships where only one person decides

To cry

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and let your partner make all the important decisions. They are then responsible for the things you do. You think they take good care of you, but be careful. If you let someone else decide everything, they may start making choices for you.

Don’t let this happen, be it friendship or your romantic partner. You should always have a balance between interests and personal investments. If one of you does more than the other or starts making decisions for both of you, problems can arise.

2. People who put their own wishes before yours


“I just like it better that way, this is what I like, I hope you…” People who use the personal pronoun “I” all the time can certainly be one of the most harmful people you can have in your life , leading to classic toxic relationships.

Those who only see their own world can never make anyone else happy, nor can they give you the respect you deserve. Think of this!

3. People who don’t trust you

Holding hands

People who mistrust or show no understanding also lack the emotional openness to respect someone else and to have compassion and empathy for others. Relationships based on mistrust will always end with jealousy and misunderstanding, which will keep you arguing all the time, which will hurt your confidence. It’s a vicious circle and it’s not worth getting stuck in.

4. Relationships Based on Compulsion


“After all I’ve done for you, are you refusing to do this for me?!”
“If you really loved me, you’d be with me right now, so this means you hate me.”
If you’ve ever heard a sentence like that, you know without a doubt how awful it feels, how much it hurts to hear those words from the mouth of the person you supposedly love you.

Don’t be fooled. People who rely on manipulation and coercion, who use these kinds of techniques to abuse their relationship, don’t feel love, nor respect or understand you. It’s a clear sign of a toxic relationship.

5. Relationships Based on Lies


Some people can’t stop lying. They do this to achieve their goal, to bend the world they have built around them, and to always be in charge of their relationship, which is based on deception.

They may say they love you, that you are the best thing that ever happened to them, but they don’t show that love. Instead, they behave in ways that are harmful and degrading. Their lies will come out at some point and some of them you could forgive, but in the long run your relationship will be ruined. Don’t let this happen to you.

6. Relationships Based on Victimization


This is a very common toxic relationship, both when it comes to romantic partners and family members.  Playing the victim gives someone many benefits, such as getting your attention or making you feel guilty in order to boss you around.

“You always leave me when I need you the most!”
“I was sick all weekend and you didn’t even call me. So I am not important to you.”
If this sounds familiar to you, you know how painful it is and how they make you feel angry and scared and ashamed.

In conclusion, we can say that everyone knows that toxic relationships exist, but they are still common. How can you ensure that you do not end up in such a situation? Make sure to set boundaries for yourself. Articulate what your wishes are and what the other person can expect from you. They need to understand that your love is not something that can be demanded of you and you will not allow them to dominate you. To love someone, you have to respect them too.

If you recognize yourself in any of these examples or if your partner is behaving that way, it may be time to step back. Do it for your physical and emotional health.

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