9 Tricks To Fall Asleep On The Plane

A lot of people can’t fall asleep on airplanes. There are several factors that affect their sleep. In this article, we’ll share a few tips to help you fall asleep on the plane.
9 tricks to fall asleep on the plane

Do you feel panic when you travel by plane or just don’t like the experience? Is that a hindrance when trying to sleep on the plane? Then read these 9 tricks to fall asleep on the plane.

Try these tricks to fall asleep on the plane

1. Book a night flight

If possible, book an overnight flight to make it easier to fall asleep. If that moment coincides with your normal sleep schedule, you will of course also sleep more easily.

Another tip is to sleep a little less than usual the night before the flight. Get up 2 or 3 hours earlier so that you will be tired faster the next day.

2. Travel more comfortably on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Airplane at night

If you can choose which day you want to fly, you should know that Tuesday and Wednesday are the most comfortable days to fly. In general, there are far fewer people on the plane on these days, so you have more space around you.

Just the opposite happens on Fridays and holidays when a lot of people take the plane. So keep that in mind.

3. The window seat is the best option

If you’re one of those people who prefer an aisle seat, give a window seat a try. In that place you can put your head to the side without disturbing anyone.

It is also advisable to avoid the seats that separate the different classes. While they give you more space, these seats are usually reserved for families with babies.

It will also be difficult to fall asleep on the plane if you have a seat next to the toilet because of course a lot more people will walk past this place.

4. Tilt your seat back as far as possible

recline seat

Move your seat as far back as possible. Of course, you have to make sure you don’t bother the passenger behind you.

Also, keep in mind that sitting at a 90-degree angle for hours on a flight could cause you a lot of back or neck pain.

On the other hand, you should not sleep with your head on the table, because that can be bad for both your neck and your back.

5. Wear comfortable clothes

It is important that you travel in comfortable clothing. If you wear clothes that are too tight, you won’t be able to fall asleep.

Also take into account the temperature of the aircraft. Find out if the plane offers blankets, and if not, bring a jacket and some warm socks or even a thin blanket to travel comfortably.

Of course it’s hard to fall asleep on the plane when you’re cold!

6. Fasten your seat belt properly

Close your belt

To sleep well, you need to lie as comfortably as possible and not be disturbed. If you fasten your seat belt too loosely over your clothes or your blanket, it will be of little help.

But if you fasten your seat belt properly, you can sleep through even during turbulence. The flight attendant does not have to wake you up to fasten your seat belt properly. You may not even realize what’s going on!

7. Bring some things to help you fall asleep

You may have an easier time falling asleep if you bring a few things that are made to help you sleep. Keep in mind that the most annoying things on the plane when you want to sleep are generally lighting and noise.

So bring a sleeping mask and earplugs against the noise.

To keep your head and neck in a comfortable position, you can bring a special pillow. In urgent cases you can always use a rolled up sweater.

8. Turn off your electronic devices

Turn off your smartphone

Always turn off your electronic devices if possible. Don’t watch movies, because the light from the screen keeps your brain active. That makes it harder to fall asleep on the plane. If you want to entertain yourself, it’s best to read something.

9. Be careful what you eat and drink

Be careful what you eat or drink on the plane. If you want to sleep well, don’t eat too much. When it comes to your drinks, it’s best to avoid energy drinks or coffee and opt for water or decaffeinated tea instead.

Also watch how much you drink. Of course you don’t want to constantly go to the bathroom when you’re trying to fall asleep!

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