9 Properties Of Wormwood For A Healthy Liver

Wormwood is a powerful herb. Therefore, you should do a treatment with this herb under the guidance of an expert to avoid complications. Also, you should never use it for longer than 3 months.
9 properties of wormwood for a healthy liver

Wormwood is a medicinal plant, with 9 beneficial properties for a healthy liver. However, the plant is not very well known. You can use this plant as a natural remedy to keep your liver healthy, as these properties have a particularly beneficial effect on your liver.

Taking care of this organ is essential to ensure a good quality of life and to prevent disease. In this article, we’ll talk about the 9 properties of wormwood that benefit your liver and overall health.

Please note: wormwood is not a harmless natural product and can cause various problems if used incorrectly.

The liver

Wormwood for a healthy liver

The liver is the largest organ in the body and is located below the diaphragm, largely on the right side. This organ performs several vital functions in our body, including:

  • Detoxifying and filtering toxins. The liver collects and rids the body of toxins that enter our body through food, pollution, drugs, tobacco, etc.
  • Digestion. Think of the processing of carbohydrates, proteins and fats through the secretion of bile.
  • Storing vitamins. The liver stores vitamins A, D, E, K and also glycogen.

The gallbladder, in which bile is stored, is located next to the liver. The reason for this is because the liver and gallbladder work together.

Wormwood for a healthy liver

Wormwood (Artemisia adsiintium) is a medicinal plant native to Latin America, but also grows in Africa and Europe. People already knew about its special properties in ancient times, and wormwood was used in cases of lead poisoning, among other things.

You can drink wormwood as an infusion, which is made from the leaves and flowers. It has a strong bitter taste. Wormwood is also available in powder form. And wormwood is also in absinthe, the infamous alcoholic drink.

Curiously, wormwood is also contained in moxa, a type of herbal tubes used in traditional Chinese medicine to add heat to the body.

The 9 properties of wormwood for a healthy liver

1. Increase in bile secretion

Healthy liver with sufficient bile

First of all, taking wormwood can reduce inflammation of the gallbladder and increase the secretion of bile juices. Of course, this has a positive effect on all its functions.

2. Cleanse for a Healthy Liver

In addition, taking wormwood extract for short periods cleanses the liver and gallbladder. And it promotes the proper functioning of both the liver and the gallbladder.

3. Disposal of Toxins

Because wormwood cleanses the liver, it also supports the elimination of toxins. The liver keeps our blood clean by removing toxins, both from external sources and waste products from our own body.

4. Improved Digestion

Improved Digestion

The liver is part of digestion and metabolizing nutrients. If the liver is not working properly, you may suffer from digestive upset. Think of:

  • A heavy feeling
  • Heartburn
  • Gas formation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Etcetera

5. Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

High blood sugar can be harmful to your body. Therefore, this plant is very effective for preventing diabetes, as well as insulin resistance, a common but less well-known disorder.

Controlling glucose levels is essential to prevent obesity, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and damage to your organs.

6. Treating Liver Failure

Liver failure, also called hepatic insufficiency, can be treated with wormwood, but you should always do this under the supervision of an expert.

7. Relief from biliary colic

Relief biliary colic

Believe it or not, this plant can also be very useful for combating painful biliary colic. That problem can occur if gallstones block the bile ducts.

8. Fighting Jaundice

In addition, this herb is a good remedy to use in combating jaundice. This condition is characterized by a yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes due to an increase in bilirubin. This problem is usually caused by liver deficiency.

9. For a healthy liver, but also…

Besides the fact that wormwood can help keep your liver healthy, there are other health problems related to the liver that it can improve. Think of:

  • Vision problems
  • Itchy Skin
  • Halitosis or bad breath
  • Lack of appetite
  • Some types of migraines


Wormwood possesses very powerful healing properties. Therefore, you should not overdo it and use it for a maximum of three months in a row.

Using too much wormwood can damage your brain or liver, or cause muscle spasms. So only use this medicine under the supervision of a doctor.

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