8 Things You Can Do To Prevent A Spider’s Head

Did you know that the habit of crossing your legs and wearing close-fitting clothes or heels can encourage the development of a spider’s head?
8 things you can do to prevent a spider's head

Spider heads are small red and yellowish blood vessels. They are caused by the widening of your smaller capillaries and superficial veins. Their appearance usually precedes the appearance of varicose veins.

However, a spider’s head often disappears without becoming inflamed at all.

  • They are more common in women over the age of 20.
  • This is especially true for those with a sedentary lifestyle or who are overweight.
  • But they can also occur as a result of hormonal changes. 
  • Using the wrong kind of shoes and exposure to high temperatures also causes them.

Tackle spiders by changing some habits

Fortunately, they usually do not represent a serious health problem. In addition, they can be significantly reduced with a few simple habits.  In the article below, we would like to share 8 recommendations that will help prevent spider mites when done regularly. So write them down!

8 recommendations to prevent a spider’s head

1. Exercise regularly

Prevent spider head by moving

Physical exercise, especially activities aimed at your legs, is indispensable. They prevent, among other things, the development of a spider’s head.

This exercise increases the circulation of your blood and in addition it regulates the inflammatory processes that cause this problem.


  • Make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Dedicate 10 minutes to exercises focused on the legs. For example, ride your bike three times a week or take a 20-minute walk every day.

2. Watch your body weight

Are you overweight or obese? Be careful! In addition to causing spider mites, these diseases can also cause serious circulatory and cardiovascular problems.

Always watch your weight. If you’re carrying too many pounds, start adopting healthy weight loss habits.


  • Stick to a balanced diet that controls your fat and calorie intake.
  • Avoid eating fast food or processed foods.
  • Eat  3 to 5 meals a day.
  • Start a daily exercise routine.
  • Increase your water intake.

3. Don’t cross your legs

Prevent a spider's head by not crossing your legs

This seems to be a harmless habit. However, crossing your legs can become a trigger for such an unsightly spider’s head.

Sitting in this position for a long time then makes circulation difficult. It can also cause an inflammatory response in your legs.


  • Sit with your legs supported by the floor.
  • If you work sitting or need to hold this position for a long time, take a few minutes to stretch or walk.

4. Limit the number of times you wear heels

We cannot deny that heels are a perfect complement to look elegant and feminine. However, using them too much can cause inflammation and circulation problems. These eventually cause the appearance of these veins.


  • Only wear your favorite heels on special occasions.
  • Avoid buying heels that are too high.
  • After using this type of footwear, lift your feet and massage them to get circulation going.

5. Use apple cider vinegar

Prevent spider's head with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a tonic for external use. It can reduce the appearance of a spider’s head when applied with a massage.

This liquid has anti-inflammatory and relaxing ingredients. Once absorbed, they increase your blood circulation and activity in your lymphatic system.


  • First, dilute the apple cider vinegar in warm water and rub it on your feet or legs with a massage for 5 minutes.
  • As an option: heat the water with vinegar and apply it as a compress. Make the compress as hot as you can tolerate.
  • Then repeat this treatment  every night to get good results.

6. Avoid wearing tight clothes

Wearing clothes that are too tight can cause circulatory and lymphatic problems.

Although your body seems to tolerate it, repeating this habit can lead to the appearance of a spider’s head.


  • Avoid pants that are too tight.
  • Wear clothes that are a little loose when you put them on.
  • Choose to wear clothes with a loose fit.

7. Take Advantage of Aloe Vera Gel

aloe vera

Another one of the natural remedies that increases blood circulation in your legs is aloe vera. This substance contains essential nutrients and moisturizing agents, among other things. After being absorbed, it reduces the appearance of a spider’s head.


  • First, take some fresh gel from an aloe vera leaf. Then apply it on the affected area.
  • Then let it act without rinsing. Finally, use it up to twice a day.

8. Drink lemon water

Drinking lemon water before breakfast can help you detoxify your body. This eliminates the fluids and toxins that cause inflammation in your tissues, among other things.

The properties of lemon reduce the excess acidity in your blood. They also reduce circulatory problems.


  • Drink a cup of warm water with lemon every day before breakfast.
  • Then drink warm water with lemon in the middle of the afternoon.

For example, are you worried about getting a spider’s head? Then follow all these recommendations. Avoid this problem without spending money on expensive treatments.

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