8 Lies That Happy People Refuse To Believe

Happy people know how to make the best of everything. They don’t wait for the perfect moment to come. They learn how to take care of this moment themselves. Or they make the best of every situation to best achieve their goals.
8 Lies Happy People Refuse To Believe

Happy people know how to make the most of things. They don’t wait for the perfect moment. They learn to take matters into their own hands.

Happy people are very different. Yet they also have many similarities: confidence, certainty and a good self-image.

All these people are capable of achieving their goals and effecting radical change. It may seem as if they achieve their goals without much effort, but nothing is further from the truth.

How do they get there? Happy people are aware of their limitations and make an effort to change them.

In this article, we look at some lies that happy people never believe.

1. You can’t…

Woman on mountain top

It often happens that you say out loud what you want to do and someone else says, “You can’t do that.”

Unfortunately, many people believe this. So they don’t see that this is a huge lie.

Look around you: everything you have in life is there because someone made it happen.

  • As JK Rowling
  • What if Einstein hadn’t taken his own studies to the next level? The world would have been different.

The reality is that you can actually do many of the things you want to achieve.

2. But I have to…

Yes, you have to work to earn money. However, what you should not do is give up your own goals in order to have money.

Happy people realize that waiting for the “perfect situation” to do something is completely illogical.

Usually all you need to achieve what you want is determination and the belief that you can do it. Most of the things you think are necessary to achieve your goal just require a little ingenuity.

3. I don’t feel like…

This feeling is the most common in the world. At the same time, however, it is an illusion. Sometimes you feel like a cheater. It may even feel like you’re trying to fill a role that isn’t yours.

However, remember this: you are your own strength. You have to encourage yourself. Above all, what you should do is believe in yourself.

We know you won’t always feel good, but it’s your job to believe in yourself. Don’t let anyone break your trust.

When you feel like a cheater, find out what’s happening and where that feeling comes from. Remember that many of your successes are the result of the confidence you have in yourself.

4. I’m too old to…


Don’t let anyone convince you of this. And more importantly, don’t believe it yourself. Lucky people know that this is one of the biggest lies.

Age is just a number that determines how much time has passed since you were born. Moreover, it is not an obstacle that gets bigger over time.

Your age doesn’t matter: you can always change, improve and reinvent yourself. If someone tells you that you are too old, answer, “My age is only a reflection of my opportunities, not my limitations.”

5. Easier Said Than Done

Of course , it will always be easier to say something than to do it. Anyone can say what they want or dream of a thousand things, but doing it for real requires an effort.

Happy people know they have to take this step to get what they want. They don’t stop dreaming because they know that dreams are the foundation of everything they do. So they are able to do whatever it takes.

6. Control is everything

Happy people accept that they don’t have everything under control. If they focus their time on controlling what they can do, they manage to surprise everyone.

They realize that trying to control everything is a waste of energy and time. Don’t deceive yourself: Don’t waste your attention on things you can’t control.

7. Life isn’t fair

This is an extremely strong belief and it puts many people into depression. But life is really very fair.

Of course bad things happen. Everyone, even happy people, are confronted with this reality. But that doesn’t mean life isn’t fair.

Happy people blindly believe in the righteousness of life. They understand that pain and suffering are transitional moods. They are not everything. Yes, bad things happen. However, life itself is a miracle so precious that it deserves to be celebrated. And that’s a good thing.

8. Happy people don’t exist

This everyday phrase is common, but it is incorrect. Because yes, happiness does exist. And yes, there are people who live happy lives. Believe it. And above all, believe that you deserve to be happy.

We all possess the ability to be happy. Happiness is a right that we all possess at birth. However, often people believe that this is not true because they do not feel good about themselves.

Remember this: happiness is a right that you must claim. 

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