8 Foods That Can Cause Cancer

Eating a poorly balanced diet full of chemicals can seriously affect your health and can even lead to cancer.
8 Foods That Can Cause Cancer

Several studies say your diet is linked to common illnesses, conditions and everyday aches and pains. It has also been proven that following a poorly balanced diet, full of chemicals, can seriously affect your health and even lead to cancer.

For that reason, don’t hesitate to read the following article where you will learn more about 8 foods that can cause cancer.

Some foods that you consume every day without thinking about it can substantially increase the risk of cancer, the disease that kills thousands of people worldwide every year.

Foods That Can Cause Cancer Or Make It Worse

Genetically Modified Foods

foods with trans fats

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), better known as ‘transgenic foods’, can cause many diseases in your body, with cancer being the most common. Chemicals used to stimulate growth can cause tumors.

The problem is that transgenic foods are hidden in everything, especially those containing soy, corn, or canola (and infusions). You can avoid them and add certified and approved organic foods to your diet.

In other words , you should be on a diet that doesn’t use biotechnology to grow things.


All meat products such as cured meats, bacon, sausages, mortadella etc. contain chemical conservatives to keep them fresh and looking good. However, these chemicals can also potentially cause cancer.

Nitrate and sodium nitrate are related to the significant increase in the risk of developing this disease, especially in the colon. If you want to eat meat, you should use pickled meat products that do not use nitrates and preferably from animals that have been fed grass and not corn.

microwave popcorn 

Popcorn is very easy to make. All you have to do is pop a bag in the microwave and in two minutes you have a delicious snack for a movie on the couch.

However, the combination of the ingredients with the radiation from this device are related to cancer and infertility. Butanedione is also used in popcorn. This ingredient gives it the taste of butter (artificial) and has been linked to serious lung diseases.

And if that’s not enough, several of the ingredients used contain genetically modified materials. If you want to enjoy this snack, buy corn kernels and make it yourself by putting a little bit of oil and corn kernels in a pan and cover it on the stove.

Normal or diet soft drinks 

glass of soda

Soft drinks can cause cancer. It’s that simple. This is because they not only contain high amounts of sugar (the ones that are not light), but also contain chemicals, dyes, food additives etc. Soft drinks acidify the body and ‘feed’ the cancer cells.

The low-calorie varieties are even more dangerous, as they contain aspartame, a controversial artificial sweetener that can contribute to several diseases, including cancer and birth defects. Other sweeteners such as sucralose and saccharin have been linked to other diseases.

Always opt for natural or freshly squeezed juices, or even better, water.

Refined flour 

We’re talking about the white-colored flour, a common ingredient in many compound foods. The abundance of carbohydrates is worrying. Regular consumption of refined flour is associated with a 220% increase in breast cancer in women.

It also has a high glycemic index, which quickly raises blood sugar levels, fueling cancer cell growth. Choose whole grains (which are a yellow or brown color) and make your own food. Don’t buy white bread or compound foods.

Refined sugar 

bowl of sugar

It affects you in the same way that flower does. White sugar increases insulin and cancer cells in your body. Be careful with foods rich in fructose, such as corn syrup (which is in many products you can buy in the store), as these are very dangerous for the body.

Think of foods such as:

  • Cookies
  • patties
  • juices
  • cakes
  • sauces
  • cornflakes
  • soft drinks

Nothing is better than stevia (buy the dry plant) or honey (organic) to make something sweet.

Hydrogenated Oils 

They are used to preserve compound foods so that they remain ‘stable’, but they have a downside, as they change the structure and flexibility of the cell membranes in your body.

This can cause ‘debilitating’ types of illness, cancer being one of them. Trans fats are found in many foods that you buy and eat every day. We recommend that you do not buy foods that contain trans fats.

Industrially produced fruits and vegetables 

different kinds of fruits

How Can the Healthiest Fruits Cause Cancer? The problem is not the food itself, but how they are ‘cared for’ before you buy them. 98% of fruits and vegetables are contaminated with pesticides, which cause cancer.

Apples come first in this list, followed by grapes, strawberries, coriander and potatoes. The chemicals are spread over the fields to prevent pests and diseases and as a result they make the people who eat them sick.

For women of childbearing age, consumption of these chemicals may increase the risk of their children developing problems such as low IQ or attention deficits.

To avoid this, opt for organic products or those certified as “pesticide free.” Also buy your fruits and vegetables at local markets. 

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