7 Easy Tips To Lose Weight After The Holidays

If you want to lose weight, set realistic goals and don’t rely on so-called miracle diets. They tend to increase your weight afterwards. Ideally, you should change the way you look at food.
7 Simple Tips To Lose Weight After The Holidays

The holidays are almost upon us. Every year there is a chance that we end up with extra pounds after an excess of festive food and drinks. However, if you follow the tips in this article, it will probably become easier to lose weight after the holidays.

In this article, discover seven tips that can help you lose weight without having to make drastic changes or go hungry.

You should use common sense to lose weight after the holidays


So-called miracle diets are not a good choice if you want to lose weight in a healthy way and avoid gaining more weight afterwards.

The most important thing is to change some of your habits and temporarily eliminate certain foods from your diet. However, a good attitude and perseverance are essential.

Certain diets become something of a fad, but in fact they are more like detox diets. You can follow that for a day or two to rebalance your digestive system after you’ve been a little too greedy at the festive table.

The most effective option for weight loss is a long-term balanced diet.

Try these tips to lose weight after the holidays

1. Take it easy

Don’t obsess over the thought of losing as much weight as possible in a week. Instead, it’s important to get used to a little bit of weight loss every day little by little.

If you lose too much weight at once, your body goes into survival mode. This can lead to it storing more fat and also causes other problems, such as fatigue and irritability.

Prepare for a period of one to three months. Only then you may begin to see clear results. The advantage of this method is that you also save more energy and have a good mood.

2. Set a clear goal

Set a goal and avoid looking at the scale every day.

There are many factors that can influence your weight, such as fluid retention or muscle mass. For that reason, do n’t obsess over your scale.

It’s important that you stick to a long-term goal, one that you think will make you feel better.

3. Focus on the evening meal

Salad with dinner

The most important meal you should pay attention to if you want to lose weight is the evening meal.

This meal provides you with energy that you probably will not use. The calories you don’t burn are then converted into reserves.

Unlike breakfast and lunch, where you should eat more hearty, nutritious foods, at dinner you should choose light and easy-to-digest foods.

For example, carbohydrates are recommended during the day, while in the evening you should eat vegetables and a portion of lean protein.

4. Make three food lists

Before you start your diet to lose weight after the holidays, pay attention to three different food lists:

  • The green list:  healthy foods you can eat every day. This list includes vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, eggs, fish and poultry.
  • The yellow list:  foods you can eat a few times a week. These are red meat, dairy products, packaged juices and whole wheat flour.
  • The red list:  foods that you better eliminate from your diet. This list includes baked goods, pastries, candy, ice cream, soda, refined flour, frozen foods, cream, etc.

It’s good to personalize these lists based on what you often eat to facilitate better menu choices. Try to hang the list on your fridge as well.

One way to avoid eating red-listed foods is to simply not bring them into your home. That way you don’t even run the risk of being tempted.

5. Chew every bite thoroughly

Chew thoroughly

It’s that simple. Chewing each bite carefully will help you enjoy your food more. In addition, it provides many advantages:

  • it is positive for your digestion
  • it helps you absorb more nutrients
  • does it make you feel full?

This is the easiest advice, yet many people find it difficult to stick to it.

6. Drink water between meals

Drinking water throughout the day and between meals can reduce your appetite, which should help you lose weight more easily.

Drinking water is also good for your digestive system and can help eliminate toxins.

7. Choose wisely what kind of exercise you do

Choose exercise wisely

The best way to use exercise for weight loss after the holidays is not to spend hours in the gym, but instead to do interval training.

That means alternating short periods of moderate-intensity exercise with breaks, and repeating the process several times.

This training method allows you to get your body in shape and burn fat with just two to three 30-minute sessions per week.

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