6 Reasons To Include Clementines In Your Diet

Although clementines are known for their vitamin C content, they also provide us with other nutrients that allow us to benefit from better health.
6 reasons to include clementines in your diet

Do you know the reasons why you should include clementines in your diet?

Clementines come from a tree smaller than the orange tree. Their characteristics are pulp, fiber, aroma and tasty juice. Unlike oranges, the skin of the clementine can be easily removed.

People consume them fresh, in juice and in salads. They are also used in desserts, marmalade, smoothies and caramel.

They are healthy snacks and they consist mainly of water.

In addition, due to their low sugar content, there are only 53 calories in a 110 gram clementine. Clementines contain fiber and nutrients such as:

  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • vitamin C
  • phosphorus
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin A
  • folate

As you can see, clementines are a very versatile fruit with important nutrients for the body. In this article, we’ll give you 6 reasons why you should include clementines in your diet.

1. Vitamin C Content

wedges of clementine

Clementines, like oranges, are an excellent option for those who want to consume less sugar. In addition, their taste and aroma offers variety to the diet to obtain vitamin C.

  • The ascorbic acid affects numerous functions of the body to prevent cardiovascular disease and accelerate wound healing.
  • At the same time, it helps maintain bone and tooth health by improving iron absorption.
  • This vitamin also helps in the production of collagen and carotene.

Carotene is a chemical compound that speeds up the oxidation process of fatty acids and the production of energy.

These functions help control adipose tissues by burning fat on a chemical level.

2. Fighting Cancer

Free radicals, highly reactive molecules, can cause cancer, a deadly disorganization in the body’s cells, due to, among other things:

  • poor nutrition
  • excessive exercise
  • stress
  • tobacco
  • alcohol
  • medicines

As a result of this process, aging and a range of problems in the nervous and cardiovascular systems develop.

Clementines contain vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene and flavonoids. These elements help to  neutralize the oxidation processes, which then fight the cancer-causing cells.

In fact, several studies indicate that these vitamins reduce the side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiation for various cancers (including cancer of the lung, stomach and prostate).

Healthy foods and a sign with Fe, the chemical name for iron

3. Improves Anemia

Anemia is one of the most common nutritional problems in the world.

This is caused by the low production of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is a substance responsible for transporting oxygen through the blood.

This process requires nutrients such as iron.

  • The vitamin C found in clementines facilitates the absorption of iron through the gastrointestinal tract and supports its mobilization.
  • According to several scientific studies, an intake of 25 to 75 mg of vitamin C can double or triple the assimilation of iron in a meal.
  • This substance acts on phytates (which inhibit the absorption of nutrients) and produces less complex insoluble substances. At the same time , it increases the absorption of iron and thereby improves anemia.

4. Clementines in Your Diet: Good During Pregnancy

Clementines contain folic acid or vitamin B9. This nutrient helps tissues to develop at the cellular level. It also increases the formation of red blood cells.

They also participate in the production of nucleic acids and stimulate the development of the nervous system.

  • The above features are especially important during both pregnancy and childhood. Therefore, this vitamin should certainly not be missing in a healthy and balanced diet.

5. The Sweet Source of Potassium

Potassium is an important mineral that enables the functions of water regulation in the body. This includes the muscles, nervous system and also the kidneys.

Potassium even helps normalize certain blood pressure factors.

In sports, the consumption of potassium is vital as it allows hydration. It also replaces minerals lost during the training sessions. In addition, it reduces the risk of injuries.

The high water and potassium content of clementines makes this fruit an essential fruit to replenish glucose and electrolytes and, as a result, achieve the best physical performance.

6. Fight Uric Acid and Infections

Whole clementines and open-skinned clementine

Due to the water content, citric acid and potassium, clementines have a diuretic effect and add alkaline to the urine which helps to fight infection. In addition, it helps to eliminate purines.

Purines are organic compounds that, in case of overproduction, cause hyperuricemia and gout. These problems are caused by deposits of uric acid in the joints and therefore cause pain.

As you can see, clementines in your diet have several extraordinary health benefits. Are you going to include clementines in your diet?

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