6 Natural Remedies For Blood Clots

Do you suffer from blood clots? While these natural remedies can be helpful for managing them, it’s important to talk to your doctor first to assess the severity of the problem.
6 natural remedies for blood clots

The term “blood clot” refers to the accumulation of platelets or red blood cells in areas where there is an injury or a ruptured blood vessel. There are several natural remedies for blood clots that can help control them.

In principle, blood clots are normal and prevent your body from losing too much blood in the event of an injury. However, if they occur in healthy blood vessels or do not disappear after they have done their job, they can be dangerous.

In this case, they can cause blockages in the blood flow, increasing the risk of serious conditions or tissue damage.

Because of the danger that blood clots can form, it can be helpful to be aware of some of the remedies to help prevent them.

Give them a try!

Natural remedies for blood clots

1. Ginger

Ginger against blood clots

Ginger is one of the best natural remedies for blood clots. It contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that have a blood-thinning effect and can prevent the formation of clots.

Its properties also promote blood circulation and keep the arteries elastic.


  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, add the grated ginger to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then cover the cup and let the ginger steep for ten minutes.

How to consume ginger

  • Drink up to three cups of ginger tea a day until you notice improvement.

2. Cloves

Cloves contain a large amount of polyphenols, which can have an anticoagulant effect and support circulation.

Together with the vitamins and minerals that cloves contain, these antioxidants help to prevent the build-up of fats and toxins in the bloodstream. This is very beneficial as fats and toxins can cause unwanted obstructions.


  • ½ teaspoon cloves (2 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Add the cloves to a cup of hot water, then cover the cup.
  • Let the cloves steep for ten minutes. Then pour the water through the sieve.

How to consume cloves

  • Drink up to two cups of clove tea per day.

3. Ginkgo biloba

Ginko biloba against blood clots

The leaves of this plant are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat circulatory system problems, including the formation of blood clots.

Natural extracts thin the blood, eliminate toxins and can help prevent embolism and thrombosis.


  • 1 tablespoon ginkgo biloba leaves (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Add a tablespoon of ginkgo biloba leaves to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then cover the cup and let the leaves steep for ten minutes. Then pour the water through the sieve.

How to consume ginko biloba

  • Drink one cup of this tea every day for three consecutive weeks.

4. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel against blood clots

Drinking witch hazel tea regularly can help restore circulation by preventing small clots that can clog blood vessels.

This plant also helps to strengthen your veins and reduce inflammation.


  • 1 tablespoon witch hazel (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, add the tablespoon of witch hazel to the cup of water. Then bring the water to a boil.
  • Let the water boil for five minutes and then let it cool to room temperature. Then pour the water through the sieve.

How to consume witch hazel

  • Drink two cups of witch hazel per day for two consecutive weeks.

5. Artichoke

Artichoke tea against blood clots

The artichoke has many beneficial properties, one of which is that it can help prevent blood clots from forming.

Artichoke improves circulation in problem areas and helps to remove fats and toxins from your bloodstream.


  • 1 artichoke
  • 2 cups of water (250 ml)


  • First, cut the artichoke into pieces. Then put these pieces in a pan of boiling water.
  • Then turn the heat to low. Then let the artichoke simmer for another three to five minutes.
  • Then cover the pan. Finally, let the water cool to room temperature.

How to consume artichoke

  • Drink a cup of this tea mid-morning and repeat in the afternoon.
  • Do this for at least three weeks in a row.

6. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper against blood clots

Cayenne pepper contains a natural phytochemical called piperine, which has an anticoagulant effect.

This substance also helps to restore your circulation and can help prevent your arteries from becoming blocked or narrowed.


  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper (1 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, add the cayenne pepper to the cup of boiling water.
  • Then let the water cool down until it has reached a comfortable temperature.

How to consume cayenne pepper

  • Drink this tea every day, preferably in the middle of the morning.
  • Do this for three weeks in a row.

Do you suffer from blood clots? While these natural remedies for blood clots can be helpful for controlling them, it’s important to talk to your doctor first to assess the severity of the problem.

If you are already taking an anticoagulant, consult a specialist before trying any of these teas.

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