6 Ingredients That Treat Acne From The Inside Out

Did you know that one of the most effective ways to get rid of acne is to fight it from within? Use natural ingredients, which help to purify the body.

Treating acne from the inside out to combat the blemishes and blackheads that appear during our teenage years. Spots and blackheads are due to hormonal changes, but sometimes they remain active for several years, even into adulthood. Acne is also one of these types of skin problems.

The skin is a reflection of our health. So we have to try different treatments that treat acne from the inside out.

In this article we tell you which are the most effective.

If you continue to suffer from acne

Millions of people around the world suffer from acne every now and then, regardless of their age. These chronic periods can be mild or severe and even painful and sometimes really unbearable.

These little yellow-headed nodules, which bulge out on the face, back, or arms, aren’t exactly pretty. We must treat them so that they disappear as quickly as possible without leaving any injuries or scars. There are many external acne treatments (both natural and artificial) that remove the spots.

But what we know for sure is that we need to take better care of our insides to prevent it from breaking out further. That is why we are now going to discuss acne treatment from the inside out.

In adults, acne in most cases occurs because of an increase in hormonal activity (for example, in women during pregnancy or menstruation), but it can also be the result of excessive sebum production in the skin.

When this is combined with stress, lack of exercise and unhealthy diets, we can understand why some people still have blackheads, even though they are well past puberty.

Internal Remedies That Treat Acne From The Inside Out

Hydrating yourself sufficiently (drink two liters of water a day and add juices and natural decoctions to meals), exercise and eat plenty of raw fruit and vegetables is essential.

We can also improve the situation by taking advantage of the positive effects of certain natural ingredients.

1. Dressing with garlic and olive oil

Instead of using industrial spices full of fat and salt, we recommend using a mixture of garlic and olive oil for your salads. This dressing is really delicious. It will add a different flavor to your meals and the good news is that it also helps improve skin health from within.

You can prepare the dressing in advance and keep it in the fridge for up to three weeks.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil

How do you prepare the dressing?

  • Peel the garlic cloves and cut them in half.
  • Then put them in a glass bowl that you can seal airtight.
  • Now add the olive oil until it completely coats the garlic (you may need more than 4 tablespoons).
  • Close the bowl tightly and let it marinate for 48 hours before using it with your meals.

2. Green tea

Green tea will help if you want to treat acne from the inside out

The multifaceted health benefits of green tea cannot go unnoticed.

It contains large amounts of antioxidants. That makes it possible to reduce the characteristic inflammation. At the same time, it cleanses the body of toxins and controls androgen levels (when present in high levels, it causes blemishes).

Drink up to three cups of this tea every day. You can make this drink with tea bags or with dry leaves that you can buy in health stores.

3. Great Burdock Tea

This plant has many properties and helps if you want to treat acne from the inside out. It has a purifying and diuretic effect, among other things.

The benefits of burdock tea are countless. Especially people who are sensitive to spots, blackheads and impurities of the skin can experience the positive effects.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon burdock root (5 g)

How do you prepare this tea?

  • Warm up the water. When it boils, add the burdock root.
  • Boil it for ten minutes and then remove it from the heat.
  • Now let it sit for ten minutes, then filter it and drink it.
  • You can drink it once a day, after lunch or dinner (it also aids digestion).

4. Fennel tea with lemon juice

This combination is very effective and will treat acne from within.

Fennel has purifying properties. You can chew the seeds or add them to meals, but you can also enjoy the benefits by drinking it as a tea.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds (10 g)
  • The juice of one lemon

How do you prepare it?

  • Warm up the water.
  • When it boils, add the fennel seeds. Let it cook for ten minutes.
  • After that, remove it from the heat and let it stand for ten minutes.
  • Then filter it and add the lemon juice.
  • Drink this tea as hot as possible before going to sleep.

5. Rosemary Tea

Rosemary is undoubtedly one of the most recommended plants for acne sufferers. That’s because it has powerful antibacterial and great anti-inflammatory properties.

You can use both the leaves and the flowers of rosemary for the tea.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1 tablespoon dried rosemary (10 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

How do you prepare it?

  • Place the water and rosemary in a saucepan and bring to the boil.
  • When it boils, let it cook for another ten minutes.
  • Then remove it from the fire. Now let it stand for another ten minutes.
  • Then you filter the drink and drink it (if you want, you can sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey).
  • We recommend drinking three cups every day (morning, afternoon and evening).

6. An infusion of violets

This plant has very interesting effects on people with oily skin and will treat acne from within.

Violets have purifying and stimulating properties for the liver. In this way they ensure that the body can remove impurities and slow down the secretion of sebum.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1 tablespoon violets (10 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

How do you prepare it?

  • Boil the water and flowers for ten minutes.
  • Then remove it from the heat and let it stand for another ten minutes.
  • Then you filter it and you can drink it (if you want, you can sweeten it with honey).

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