5 Ways To Make Natural Compost

Do you want to breathe new life into your garden plants? Don’t spend your hard-earned money on industrial fertilizers. Use one of the listed ingredients and see the results for yourself!
5 ways to make natural compost

There are many ways to make natural compost for fertilizing garden plants. Although you can find fertilizer in any store or supermarket, there are 100% natural ingredients that provide more nutrients for the soil.

Compost has been used for crops since ancient times. However, eventually people replaced it with fertilizer. While the latter quickly nourishes the soil, it can cause long-term adverse effects as it eventually depletes the soil.

While it is true that plant roots cannot tell the difference between synthetic and organic fertilizers, industrial fertilizers cause imbalances. In addition, they can kill good microbes and earthworms.

That’s why we decided to share a few ways to make compost with natural ingredients to bring your soil back to life.

How to make natural compost

1. Natural Banana Peel Compost

banana and banana peel

Banana peels are one of the best ingredients for making compost because they contain potassium. This essential mineral is one of the most important nutrients for plants after nitrogen. It plays a role in photosynthesis and the formation of resistant tissues.

In addition , it also helps to revitalize plants when they are no longer blooming or looking dull. Best of all, you can use banana peels in their natural state or even make a natural plant fertilizer with them.


  • First, cut the banana peels into several strips.
  • Then let them cook for 15 minutes in a pan filled with water.
  • Then turn off the fire and let it cool.
  • Finally, spray the fertilizer around the plants on the soil.
  • If you want, you can leave the peels in the water.

2. Natural apple cider vinegar compost

apple cider vinegar and apples

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can help fertilize plants growing in acidic soil. The absorption of the nutrients ensures that plants remain in good condition and the leaves do not look dry.


  • First, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the water you will be using to water your plants.
  • Then water them as usual.
  • Repeat the application at least once a month.

3. Natural eggshell compost

multiple eggshells

People often add other ingredients to eggshell compost. However, you can also just use the eggshells, as they contain a lot of calcium and help prevent blossom end rot on plants such as:

  • tomatoes
  • peppers
  • aubergines


  • Crush several eggshells and then place them in the bottom of the hole you will be planting in.
  • You can also let the eggshells dry and grind them into a fine powder (optional).
  • Then spread the powder around the plant.

4. Natural Wood Ash Compost

trees in the forest

Wood ash compost can ripen various flowers and plants. This natural element is high in potassium and phosphorus, both of which are necessary for soil enrichment.

On the other hand, it also contains substances that repel ants and other pests.

However, do not use it on plants that live in acidic soil, as it changes the soil pH.


  • Take a good amount of wood ash and then dilute it with water.
  • Then pour the liquid on the desired plants.
  • If you like, you can sprinkle a thin layer of ash 2 or 3 inches away from the stem.

Note: You must make sure that the ash is not made of wood that is contaminated with metal or other contaminants. If that’s the case, using those ashes could ruin your yard.

5. Natural Algae Compost

soil with algae compost

This type of compost is unknown. Available both fresh and dried, this natural ingredient contains powerful trace elements that feed ‘good’ microorganisms in the soil.

Using this compost will keep your plants looking healthy and prevent premature wilting. Plus, it protects your plants from some of the microorganisms that make them sick.


  • Cut a good amount of algae into small pieces and then put it in a bucket of water.
  • Then cover the bucket and let the compost stand for 2 to 3 weeks.
  • After that, use this liquid to spray the soil.
  • Simply pour two cups onto small plants. If the plant is medium or large, you can pour four to six cups on it.

Do you want to breathe new life into your garden plants? Don’t spend your hard-earned money on industrial fertilizers. Use any of the above ingredients and see the results for yourself!

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