5 Reasons To Drink Pineapple Water

Did you know that pineapple water is good for fighting inflammation and its diuretic properties help remove retained fluids?
5 reasons to drink pineapple water

Today we are going to talk about good reasons to drink pineapple water.

Pineapple or Ananas Comosus originates from South America and is a perennial from the Bromeliad family.

From a nutritional point of view, it is one of the most nutritious fruits, not only because of its vitamin and mineral content, but also because of its enzymes, antioxidants and fiber.

People have been cooking with pineapple since ancient times because of its taste, which is both sweet and sour. It also goes well with drinks, desserts and pastries.

In addition, thanks to its medicinal properties , pineapple is a popular remedy for:

  • inflammation 
  • digestive problems
  • other complications

While raw pineapple offers abundant health benefits, some people choose to prepare pineapple water to take full advantage of everything it has to offer, from the pulp to the skin.

We know that many of our readers are eager to try this drink. So, below we tell you how to make it and why you should include it in your daily diet.

So grab your chance!

Pineapple water recipe

two glasses of pineapple water

Pineapple water has become a delicious option for staying hydrated.

It helps meet your daily moisture needs and it also has an abundance of essential nutrients.


  • ½ pineapple with skin
  • 1 liter or 4 cups of water


  • First cut the pineapple with the skin into cubes.
  • Then put the cubes in a pan with water and let it boil over a low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Then let it rest at room temperature or until the water has cooled down.


  • Strain the water first and drink a glass on an empty stomach without sugar or sweeteners.
  • Then divide the water to drink several times a day.

Reasons to drink pineapple water regularly

Drinking pineapple water regularly can provide your body with significant health benefits.

While many people choose to drink pineapple water as a remedy, it can actually be a good preventative measure for certain problems. You can drink it whenever you want.

1. It purifies

slim woman with pineapple

Preparing this pineapple drink helps pool the fruit’s digestive enzymes that help to purify the body.

These substances not only act as antioxidants, but also help excretory organs, such as liver and kidneys, to work more efficiently to remove waste products from the body.

  • They help purify blood and improve the cellular oxygenation process.
  • Thanks to a mild laxative effect in the colon, they help prevent constipation.
  • They clean up residue left in the kidneys and help prevent kidney stones.

2. Fights Inflammation

Bromelain, the enzyme present in pineapple, acts as a natural tissue anti-inflammatory. Because of this, it reduces pain related to inflammatory conditions.

The concentration of bromelain in this water can complement treatments for arthritis and bone diseases.

  • It reduces excessive gas production and also prevents abdominal swelling.
  • The enzyme also helps reduce the buildup of uric acid that causes gout and kidney stones.

3. Hydrates the body

smiling woman with glass of pineapple water

Pineapple water is one of the healthier drinks to drink that can hydrate the body when it loses moisture and mineral salts.

It contains high levels of potassium and magnesium and essential minerals that regulate electrolyte levels to keep cells hydrated.

  • It relieves thirst and regulates the pH of the saliva.
  • Improves blood circulation and helps keep the body healthy in general.
  • Keep the skin and hair hydrated.
  • Prevents fatigue and cramps.

4. Fights Fluid Retention

Another benefit of bromelain is that it acts as a natural diuretic for the body.

It is a useful quality for people who tend to retain moisture.

The diuretic properties of pineapple seem to help prevent the following problems, among others:

  • High bloodpressure
  • Inflammation of joints
  • Problems with blood circulation

5. Aids Weight Loss

two feet on a scale

This natural drink is low in calories. Despite this, it contains natural sugars and essential nutrients that can help us lose weight.

  • The dietary fiber improves digestion and helps us feel full for longer.
  • The purifying effect of the drink cleanses the body and prevents disturbances in the metabolism.
  • It helps control the production of lipids and their breakdown.
  • The drink also helps the body use glucose as an energy source.

Did you know the benefits of pineapple water? Now you know why it is so popular. Try the amazing health benefits for yourself. 

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