5 Juices That Will Make You Lose Inches Off Your Waist

The detoxifying and digestive properties of certain fruit and vegetable juices can help you fight obesity. Combine them with a balanced diet and physical activity for best results.
5 juices that will make you lose inches from your waist

There is no magic bullet that will help you get inches off your waist. However, there are natural juices that can supplement your diet, so that the changes will be visible in the long run.

While it is  necessary to adopt other healthy habits, such as exercise, these drinks can be great allies to shape your body.

Not only do they help you get rid of toxins, but they also prevent fluid retention. Thanks to the fiber and antioxidants, they can also reduce swelling caused by slow digestion. Do you want to know how to make them? Take a look at these five interesting recipes.

5 juices that can help you lose inches off your waist

The preparation of certain fruit and vegetable juices will allow you to lose inches off your waist without having to follow a strict diet. Although it is necessary to respect a balanced diet  , you can use these recipes for breakfast or as a snack.

Unlike many weight loss products on the market, these products have no side effects and are a source of nutrients.

Best of all, they’re easy to make,  and you can drink them any day of the week because they’re low in calories. Try them out!

1. Pineapple, lemon and linseed juice

Pineapple lemon and linseed juice

This drink contains enzymes, vitamin C and amino acids, making this delicious juice ideal for promoting weight loss and losing inches from your waist. The combination of ingredients improves digestion and reduces the accumulation of fluids in the body.


  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • the juice of half a lemon
  • 15 grams of flaxseed (1 tablespoon)
  • 200ml water


  • Cut the pineapple into pieces and put them in a blender together with the lemon juice and linseed.
  • Add the water and mix the ingredients on maximum speed.
  • Make sure the drink is well mixed and  serve immediately.

2. Lemon and Spinach Juice

Due to its cleansing properties, this natural juice promotes the elimination of waste products that accumulate in the intestines. It also stimulates bowel movement and  reduces inflammation caused by constipation.


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 5 spinach leaves


  • Squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits.
  • Then cut the pineapple into pieces and put all the ingredients in the blender.
  • Mix it for two minutes and serve without straining.

3. Aloe vera and cucumber juice

Aloe vera and cucumber juice

When it comes to losing inches from your waist, don’t skip green juices. In this case, we recommend making aloe vera and cucumber juice, as its properties promote the functionality of the digestive system so that it can burn fat more efficiently.


  • 30 ml aloe vera gel (two tablespoons)
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • half a cucumber
  • 1 pinch ground ginger
  • 100ml water


  • Place all ingredients in the blender and blend for a few minutes.
  • When you finally have a smooth mixture, you can serve and drink it.

4. Plum and oatmeal juice

This amazing digestive juice is a great way to fight constipation, obesity and inflammation. Due to its mild laxative effect, it  improves bowel movement and promotes waste elimination. At the same time, it minimizes swelling and helps you get a flat stomach.


  • 5 plums
  • 15 grams of linseed
  • 200ml water
  • 30 grams of oatmeal
  • 25 grams of honey


  • To start, place the plums in boiling water so that they absorb the moisture.
  • After 5 to 10 minutes, put the ingredients in a blender and blend for a few minutes.
  • Serve the juice without straining it and drink it right away.

5. Melon and Cucumber Juice

Melon and cucumber juice to lose inches off your waist

Both cantaloupe and cucumbers have diuretic properties, which help fight fluid buildup from the tissues. Plus, it also contains antioxidants, which can help you lose inches off your waist. Both foods also help regulate your cholesterol and protect your liver.


  • 3 slices of melon
  • the juice of half a melon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 100ml water


  • Finely chop the melon and cucumber and mix with the lemon juice, ginger and water.
  • Strain the juice and serve immediately.

Are you planning to become slimmer with the help of a diet? If so,  try these delicious juices to complement your meals. 

As you can see, they are easy to make, and have interesting benefits for losing weight and improving your health. So be sure to try these juices to lose inches from your waist and enjoy!

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