5 Common Myths About The Human Body

Can you really increase the chance of getting the flu or cold by being very cold? There are many myths like this that stand in the way of a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about them here and stay tuned to lead the healthiest lifestyle possible.
5 common myths about the human body

Our relationship with our body is very problematic. We have always strived for beauty, but despite that fact we wonder why this remains a taboo. In addition, traditionally medicine was not a science for normal people. This made it easy to spread myths about the human body.

Myths are deeply rooted

These myths are deeply rooted in our culture. We confuse lies with the truth and have a lot to learn about how our bodies really work. 

We have already taken a big step. Now we have no interest in looking good. We are interested in what keeps us healthy. We also now have greater access to innovative clinical trials thanks to technological innovation.

We are closer to understanding than ever before

We are also closer to answering our questions  once we start to worry. In the end, all we need is access to the internet.

It is often the case that our questions are usually the result of incorrect information. Popular thoughts are so ingrained that we don’t question their credibility. Yet you also know that you have already discovered that some of those thoughts and myths are untrue.

Today we’re going to look at the 5 most damaging myths about our bodies and it’s time to forget about them.

5 myths about our bodies that we should forget

1. A good shampoo makes dead ends disappear

Split Ends

The majority of shampoo and conditioner ads start with something like, “Do you have split ends?” They want to  convince you that by using their product, you can solve this problem. 

You never skip a day because you keep using this product

You may even begin to think that this product actually works. However, it is not true at all. These products may be less likely to split your hair, but when it’s split, there’s only one option: cut it. 

2. We only use 10% of our brains

This is something we are often told when we see a trick. These magicians say they use telepathy. They may even say that they have  the power to change reality with their thoughts. 

This is when they remind us that we only use a small percentage of our brains. However, some have the ability to improve mental muscles, with the result that they can read our minds.

We use a large part of our brains

It may be deceiving, but it is nothing more than a myth about our bodies. It has been found that when we sleep, your cerebral cortex does not stop working. We all use a large percentage of our brains. 

3. When we reach adulthood, our cells stop multiplying


We think that aging has to do with our cells no longer multiplying. This creates wrinkles in your skin and your bones start to hurt.

However, this is not true at all.

  • Your cell system is always working. There are always changes going on.
  • As time goes by, the way your cells work changes.
  • But no matter what happens, they always keep  multiplying. 

4. Teeth are white

White teeth

We turn on the TV and there they are: perfect white teeth. Then we look at ourselves in the mirror and realize that our teeth are yellow, despite brushing our teeth every day.

Why? That’s easy. This is the natural color. 

Perfectly white teeth are a result of whitening treatments, which can be toxic in the long run. 

 5. Our bodies are more prone to colds when we are cold

Perhaps this myth attracts the most attention. Aren’t colds and flu much more common in the winter? Yes, but  this is not because our bodies are weak from the cold. 

Low temperatures keep viruses alive and also keep them stronger. This means they can spread faster and beat our immune system more easily.

It is the strength of the virus that improves, not our sensitivity that increases.

Help your immune system

For this reason, it is wise to take more vitamin C to avoid catching a virus. If the viruses are strong, your immune system needs more strength to fight them.

These body myths lead us to not take good care of ourselves. That is why it is very important for us to talk about this so that we can find out what is true and what is not. When we dispel these myths, we get one step closer to a healthy lifestyle.

Let us help you debunk myths

You can count on us if you are concerned about certain myths. We will be happy to give you all the answers.

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