4 Natural Remedies With Baking Soda

Baking soda, or better known as baking soda, can be used to solve various ailments. Think, for example, of gum disease, gout and acne.
4 Natural Remedies With Baking Soda

Baking soda or baking soda is definitely one of the products that should not be missing in the household cupboard. There are numerous baking soda remedies to clean and treat the various rooms in the house. 

But it is also an indispensable ingredient for those who want to prepare natural, simple beauty products themselves.

Baking Soda Remedies

Perhaps less well known, however, is that you can also use baking soda in a number of remedies for various ailments. In this article you will find 4 remedies with baking soda, which are easy and simple to prepare.

Baking soda against gum disease

Healthy and well-maintained gums are pink in color and well enclose the edges around the teeth. If there is bleeding while brushing your teeth, this indicates a mild inflammation of the gums. This is called gingivitis.

Gingivitis is caused by aggressive bacteria nesting between the gums and teeth.  There are special toothpastes to remedy this ailment. We often forget that there are many simple home remedies that also have a lot of healing power.

In the case of a simple inflammation caused by, for example, a sharp piece of bread, one of the remedies with baking soda can work wonders. To do this, first dampen your toothbrush. Then dip it in a bowl of baking soda. Make sure the brush is sufficiently covered with this paste. Brush your teeth with it for a few minutes.

Gingivitis can also develop from an accumulation of untreated plaque on the surface of teeth and canines. There are special toothbrushes to prevent plaque.

You can use this in combination with baking soda.  We recommend gargling and rinsing the mouth with a solution of baking soda and water.

Baking Soda Remedies for Gingivitis

If you want to prevent the inflammation from rearing its head again, follow a number of healthy lifestyle rules. Consider, for example, eating enough raw vegetables, increasing the consumption of vitamin C and calcium or applying a gentle massage of the gums.

Baking soda for gout

A large number of people suffer from gout and take a large number of painkillers to counteract the acute pain shoots. Gout occurs when uric acid crystals precipitate in the joints. Painkillers can provide relief for several hours, but ultimately do not solve the problem.

What many people do not know, however, is that gout is one of the most easily cured diseases naturally. Experience shows that remedies with baking soda provide the best results.

The accumulations of the uric acid crystals are not sufficiently removed from the body and here baking soda can provide the solution. It neutralizes and dissolves the crystals. As a result, the pain and discomfort will disappear very quickly. 

Baking soda remedies for gout

The solubility of the crystals is also increased, so that they can also be more easily removed from the body via the kidneys. The volume of fluid drained and the acidity of the urine increase, which also reduces the risk of stone formation in the kidneys.

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it three times a day; in the morning, after lunch and before going to bed.

Teeth whitening with baking soda

The benefits of baking soda to combat gum disease were described above. If you would like to take the health care of your mouth and teeth one step further, you can also use baking soda to ensure radiant white teeth in optimal condition.

Worth to try this out right away and show off a beautiful result!

Note: Remember to be careful when applying baking soda to the teeth. Use this method in moderation as this product can also damage tooth enamel. We recommend  applying this treatment at most once a week or two weeks. 

Dark-colored drinks such as coffee, tea and carbonated lemonades belong to the category of “tooth polluters”. Smoking and poor oral hygiene also increase the discoloration of your teeth. And of course sweets are also on this list.

The yellowish color arises because the enamel layer wears off and the teeth are exposed to contamination and damage in this way.

To whiten teeth naturally, rinse the oral cavity with a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda to half a cup of water. Allow the liquid to circulate well around the teeth and canines.

You will notice that the salty taste is not that good, but you get used to this after a few rinses. Then spit out the mix. Repeat this three times on the same day, but no more than once a week.

This natural teeth whitening method also helps prevent bad smelling breath and  heal mouth sores and canker sores.

Treat acne with baking soda

Skin problems. Of course, we immediately think of those pesky pimples or acne. Fighting it can be quite tricky and nerve-wracking, especially during adolescence.

They are caused by various factors, such as hormonal fluctuations, oily skin, hereditary factors, a poor diet or various types of environmental pollution. They mainly appear where many sebaceous glands can be found and have the typical places such as the face, the back and chest area and the neck.

Treatments for pimples or acne are mainly started for beauty reasons, but it is also important to ensure that the existing imbalance in the skin is addressed. In this way, further inflammation or chronic acne is effectively combated.

Again, applying natural remedies with baking soda is preferable to using overly expensive ointments and creams.

Baking Soda Remedies for Acne

Before starting, cleanse the face with a neutral soap. Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with water until it forms an even paste.

Then apply this natural cream on the spots where the pimples are. Then massage in gently and leave on for a few minutes (not too long to avoid irritation). Rinse well with lukewarm water and dry carefully with a clean cloth.

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