10 Tips Against Moisture Retention

Fluid retention is often annoying, but fortunately not serious in most cases. Read ten tips that can prevent or quickly reduce fluid retention.
10 tips against moisture retention

Fluid retention can be the result of a number of physiological situations, such as menopause, menstruation and pregnancy. As well as a number of conditions that usually involve the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. Fluid retention or edema is more common in women than in men.

If you notice that you have gained a lot of weight in a short time, that your legs and hands appear to be thicker, while you may also suffer from a general feeling of fatigue and cramps in the lower legs, this may indicate the first symptoms of fluid retention. If your body retains a lot of moisture, you appear heavier because your skin is tightened. In addition, moisture easily provides a few extra pounds of body weight, which are also charged by your scale.

Causes of Fluid Retention

Fluid retention is often annoying, but fortunately not serious in most cases. However, if fluid retention persists for a long time, there may be a medical cause. Edema can also be a symptom of high blood pressure or a disease of the heart and blood vessels.

Fluid retention due to unhealthy eating habits

Very often, fluid retention is caused by unhealthy dietary habits and eating unhealthy foods. That’s why this article lists a list of tips that can prevent or quickly reduce fluid retention.

Tips to reduce fluid retention

  • In the daily menu, increase the amount of foods rich in water and electrolytes, preferably fruits and vegetables.
  • Plan some exercise activities in your weekly schedule that stimulate and improve blood circulation in the body. Exercise for at least half an hour every day. Think of walking, cycling, swimming and why not dance?
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water throughout the day. If you are not a fan of water, replace it with natural fruit juices without added sugars. Herbal infusions or flavored water also ensure sufficient moisture absorption. Take a pitcher of water and add lemon slices, orange and mint leaves to it.
  • It is very important to keep an eye on the consumption of salt. Only add a small amount of salt to your meals (or better yet, no salt at all) and use natural seasonings such as herbs and spices.
  • Avoid ready meals and unhealthy snacks as much as possible, which contain large amounts of salt, colors and flavors.
  • These pre-prepared meals are also rich in sugar. It is also recommended to monitor the intake and to use as little refined white sugar as possible.
  • A lack of proteins  can also promote edema. If enough proteins are not on the menu, a shortage of albumin arises, which makes it easy to build up fluid in the body tissues.
  • If the fluid mainly accumulates in the lower extremities, pay attention to sufficient sleep and rest. Take regular breaks for half an hour and make sure that the legs are slightly higher than the pelvis. To do this, place pillows or a large folded blanket under the legs.

Additional tips to reduce fluid retention

  • Drink tea and herbal infusions regularly to remove excess fluid. Most herbal infusions stimulate the kidneys and increase fluid secretion. The guideline for the correct amount is always one tablespoon of dried herb per cup of water. Sundew and cherries contain excellent diuretic properties.
  • If you have a sedentary job, don’t sit on your desk chair for hours. Take regular short breaks to stretch your legs and walk around for a while, which will get the blood circulation going again. During your lunch break, take the opportunity to do some invigorating exercise for ten minutes.
  • Avoid wearing tight and tight-fitting clothing, which can impede blood circulation. Loose-fitting garments made of natural fabrics will feel most comfortable during a busy work day and will not interfere with good circulation.

Finally, try to reduce your drinking of carbonated soft drinks and coffee and avoid the use of white refined flour products and you will definitely feel a lot fitter and less heavy in combination with the above tips.

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