10 Great Uses Of Cornstarch

Thanks to its texture and properties, cornstarch can be useful for removing bad odors from shoes and many other useful things. Learn more about the uses of cornstarch!
10 Amazing Uses Of Cornstarch

Have you ever heard about all the great uses of cornstarch?

Cornstarch is starch from corn or cornmeal, a product we usually find in the kitchen for making delicious recipes. Today, however, we will discover several uses of cornstarch that can be very useful in your daily life. Pay attention!

Ten Amazing Uses Of Cornflour You Didn’t Know About

1. Remove Grease Stains

Cornstarch can be your best friend for removing grease stains from places that are difficult to clean, such as the couch, a chair or a carpet.

If you have food stains on a chair, use the following recipe:


  • 4 tablespoons (about 30 grams) cornflour
  • 50 ml milk


  • Make a paste with the cornflour and milk.
  • Apply it to the stain and leave it on overnight.
  • The next day you will notice that the paste has dried. Then remove the leftovers.

Do the same with ink blots and they will disappear!

2. Eliminate odors from shoes

If your shoes give off a bad smell, cornstarch can be the perfect solution. It acts like a talcum powder and helps get rid of odor-causing fungi and bacteria.

  • Put a little cornstarch in your shoes and let it sit overnight.
  • Remove it the next day (it helps to use a vacuum cleaner).
  • You will notice that the smell is gone.

3. Cleaning lenses

Plus, one of the uses of cornstarch is to use it as the best eyeglass cleaner you can find.


  • 250 ml vinegar
  • 250ml water
  • the juice of half a lemon
  • 2 tablespoons cornflour


  • Place all ingredients in a spray bottle.
  • Shake well to make sure all ingredients are well mixed.
  • You just need to apply it to the desired places and use a damp cloth to clean your glasses.

4. Easier Ironing

Easier ironing with cornstarch

If you’re not very good at ironing, make a note of this trick because it’s just for you. A cornstarch spray is one of the many uses of cornstarch that you probably didn’t know about.


  • 1 tablespoon cornflour
  • half a liter of water


  • Make your own spray by mixing both ingredients in a spray bottle.
  • Then spray this mixture on the clothes that are difficult to iron and say goodbye to wrinkles in your clothes. It’s a piece of cake!

5. Polish your cutlery

In addition, cornstarch is highly recommended for polishing silver items such as cutlery.


  • 75ml water
  • 30 grams cornflour


  • Make a paste of the two ingredients.
  • Rub it on the items you want to polish and let it dry.
  • Remove the paste immediately afterwards with a damp cloth and you will notice that your cutlery immediately shines more.

6. Make your furniture shine

Did you know that cornstarch can also help make your furniture look much newer?


  • 250ml water
  • 1 tablespoon cornflour


  • Mix both ingredients.
  • Dampen a cloth with the mixture and wipe it over your furniture.
  • Wait a few minutes and then wipe the furniture with a dry cloth to give it the desired shine.

7. Remove mold on your books

Mold Control in Cornstarch Books

Moisture buildup in books can cause mold, but now you can easily remove it by sprinkling cornstarch on them. This will absorb the odor and moisture and will fight the mold.

8. Fight oily skin with a homemade face mask

If you have oily skin, this homemade mask may be perfect for you.


  • 2 tablespoons cornflour
  • 125 ml water warm
  • moisturizing cream


  • Mix 2 tablespoons of cornstarch with the warm water in a bowl and add your favorite moisturizer.
  • Apply this mixture to your face and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse it off with plenty of water.
  • You can do this  two or three times a week.

You will notice that your skin is much smoother and it will help you fight acne and pimples.

9. Undoing Impossible Knots

If you have a knot that you can’t untie, cornstarch can help.

To do this, sprinkle the knot with a little cornstarch. You will see how you can then untangle the knot without any problems. That’s how easy and simple it can be to finally untie that pesky knot!

10. Dry-clean clothes

Dry cleaning clothes is one of the uses of cornstarch

Finally, this mixture can help you remove dirt and refresh clothes  without having to go to the dry cleaners.

What do you need?

  • 250 grams cornflour
  • 1 plastic bag


  • Place the garment in the plastic bag. It is best if you can close the bag properly.
  • Then add two cups of cornstarch.
  • Close the bag tightly and then shake it until the garment is completely covered.
  • Leave the garment in the bag overnight.
  • The next day, remove the cornstarch from the garment with a vacuum cleaner on an energy-efficient setting.
  • You will notice that your clothes are now free of dirt and unpleasant odors. 

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